Chapter 36

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"Really!!" I yelled happily at Severus. He grinned widely and nodded. "Of course of course!!!" I yelled at him as I jumped on him hugging him extremely tight. He laughed and kissed in the crook of my neck. I was so happy for one reason. For the rest of the holidays. This was going to be so much fun. Finally some alone time with each other. "We'll leave tomorrow" he said. "I'll be packed in 20 minutes" I yelled as I ran into my room and began to pack. Just using my mind I packed all my clothes into a suitcase. I heard everyone laughing from downstairs. Of course my uncle knew I wouldn't be staying at his house without my uncle's go ahead. Like I said all my stuff was packed within 20 minutes. "Told you it would only take me 20 minutes" I said as I plopped down on Sev's lap. He smiled and squeezed my thigh affectionately. I kissed his cheek softly and rested my head on his chest. This was great. I was in the company of people I love. Lucius and Cissy sat by each other sweetly and Draco sat on the floor reading a quidditch book. This was all I ever needed and wanted. "You Severus since I'm letting you both be cuddly and what not in my home you better marry her" my uncle Lucius said while smirking. "Sounds like a plan" Sev said while kissing me. I smiled into the kiss, but I wasn't completely happy. I had a whole life ahead of me and I was not getting married anytime soon. This was my prime and I was not going to have a husband and children. Anyways I had to deal with my Voldemort drama before I made any major life decision such as getting married. Severus must've sensed what was wrong. "Don't worry love I don't have enough galleons for a ring anyway" Severus whispered in my ear. Even though I wasn't looking at him I knew he was smirking that incredibly sexy smirk of his. This caused me to laugh, "Good because I don't have enough money for a dress" I laughed. He shook his head and laughed. After awhile I fell asleep on Severus' lap. When I woke up I was in my bed all alone. Slowly I got out of bed and got dressed in black skinny jeans, a white plain button up, a emerald cardigan and black flats. I put on the necklace Sev got me and a pair of emerald earrings that matched. I waved my hair and did my makeup, dark as usual. I also put in my septum piercing before heading downstairs. Everyone was sitting around the table eating breakfast. I sat down next to Sev and kissed him lightly. "You look absolutely breathtaking" he complimented. "Thank you love. Good morning everyone" I greeted cheerfully like usual. I was usually a pretty cheerful person. "Once you're done with breakfast we'll take off" Sev told me. I practically inhaled my breakfast. Draco looked at me incredulously. I laughed an stuck out my tongue at him. He smiled widely at me, I loved that he loved me. "I'll see you when school begins again" I said kissing his forehead after I ate my breakfast. He nodded sadly. "I love you" I said hugging him tightly. "Yah I love you too" he said glumly. "I just miss you" he said. "I miss you too, I promise once school is out me and you are gonna spend a whole week together." I promised him. He nodded and hugged me again. I told Cissy and Lucius that I'd see them soon. Then Sev and I dissasperated to his home. It was a small, but quaint place from the outside, but when I walked inside I got a cold feeling. It was like no one had ever lived there. It was incredibly clean and there was no distinct smell that made it stick out. "I'm going to fix this" I said as I walked into the home. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Well no offense love, but this is a bit drab" I said gesturing to the room. "Well yes, but I'm only here does for a little bit of time out of the year" he argued. "Well I think when you come back it should be like a exotics paradise not like the dungeons that you spend the rest of the year in" I said matter of factly. "You know what love since you're staying here I want you to be comfortable so you can do what you like to make yourself feel comfortable" he said. "Thank you" I said while wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him passionately. There was definitely going to be a big change here.

Love for my Greasy potions master(Severus Snape love storyWhere stories live. Discover now