Chapter 4 Obsidian Eyes

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When we arrived at the castle I was the first person in the Great Hall and sitting at the Ravenclaw table. I hate tardiness more then I hate the Parkinson sisters and that is definitely saying something because I hate those troll faced bitches. All the teachers were also seated accept for Professor McGonagall who was in charge of the sorting. As I glanced up at the head table Professor Snape's obsidian eyes were staring at me with such an intense look it made me turn red. I gave him a small smile and a nod before turning around so he couldn't see me turn as red as the Weasley's hair. One long hour later all the first years were sorted into their proper house. Draco was placed in Slytherin before the hat even touched his greased back hair. It was no surprise to me though he came from a very long line of Slytherin and has definitely lived up to the family tree. One name caught my attention, Harry Potter. It brought tears to my eyes thinking about the now deceased Potters that were practically my family so many years ago. I remember Harry when he was just a chubby baby with no cares in the world. He grew up to look just like his dad with Lily's striking green eyes. GRYFFINDOR!!! The old sorting hat yelled throughout the Great Hall for all ears to hear. Harry looked absolutely thrilled and so did the Weasley boys. Seeing their happy faces made me miss Charlie, they all looked so much alike and Ron's smile was identical to Charlie's goofy grin. Dumbledore made his yearly speech that I memorized my first year and soon the tables were filled with a feast fit for Merlin himself. The house elves here are too notch chefs. Eliza snapped me out of my thoughts by smacking the back of my head with her pixie sized hands and told me to tuck in before it gets cold. We both knew that it wasn't gonna get cold since it's magically heated though. I definitely ate enough to feed Beauxbatons. By time dinner was over I had gained 10 pounds and I felt like a Norwegian Ridgeback. Sadly I was head girl so I had to give a tour to the first years. By time I got to my dorm I was lightly snoring. Once I hit the bed I fell into a deep sleep. I guess i'd have to show Marcus how much I missed him tomorrow.

Love for my Greasy potions master(Severus Snape love storyWhere stories live. Discover now