Chapter 19

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"AUNT CISSY." I yelled as Draco ran into her arms as well. She hugged us for what seemed like forever. Looking to my left I saw my uncle Lucius standing there with the same stern facial expression he always has on his face. I grinned to myself knowing exactly how to push his buttons. I ran over and hugged the life out of him. "Oh Uncle Lucius I missed you soo much." I yelled. He awkwardly patted my back. "The feeling is mutual." he said no emotion evident in his voice. I let go and smiled at him before going to pick up my bags. Draco not being half as daring as I am shook his dad's hand and walked into the house. I followed behind him bringing my bags up into my room. It was chilly from being so empty the past few months. I through myself on my bed and closed my eyes thinking about the events that have just f'd up my life. I could feel the tears coming, but I sucked them back. There was no way anyone in this house would have any knowledge about what has happened between Sev and I. They would rip him limb from limb. I smelt something delicious and was instantly awakened from my dream like state. I knew exactly what it was, my aunts homemade chocolate chip cookies and yes on super special occasions she bakes instead of the house elfs. It always tasted better when you knew they were made by someone you love. That they made it because they love you. I remember when my mom first died and my dad tried to cook. It was the night after her funeral and he made a roast. When we cut into it and it was completely raw. We laughed and laughed, but then we remembered it just seemed too early. I smiled at the memory and giggled. Yes I actually giggled and it was rather cute as well. As I walked downstairs I was met by the back of Severus' head. My eyes got wide and I tiptoed upstairs. I looked a mess my face was red and my hair was falling out of the ponytail it had been in. I ran into my room and changed while quickly doing my makeup with my wand. Yes I can use my wand outside of school because I turned 17 on the 13th. My wand's makeup skills are marvelous. I changed into a floral skirt with a purple tshirt and a white cardigan to match. When company was over I was expected to take out my piercings and act like a well mannered young lady as my Uncle said. My hair curled when I told it to, but unfortunately it was still a blonde color that made me want to vomit. My aunt eyed me weirdly when she saw it,but I convinced her I chose to look this way. I put on a pair of tan flats and the necklace my mom gave me when she died and walked downstairs. "Oh sweetheart you look darling." my aunt cooed. "Thank you as do you." I said curtsying. She laughed at me and I saw my uncle give me the look telling me to say hello. "Good evening, professor." I said politely. "Good evening Miss Black I see you've changed your hair color." he said making light, awkward conversation. "Yes sir that dark black just didn't fit me." I said wanting to crawl in a hole and die. "I think it looked lovely on you darling." Cissy said. I smiled gratefully and excused myself going to ding Draco. I needed to have a relaxing conversation that didn't involve my hair color and I no longer wanted to be in a room with Severus. All I wanted to do was jump his bones whenever I looked at him. Draco was sitting in his room playing wizard chess all by himself. "This must be a thrilling game." I said sitting down next to him. He smiled slightly then looked up at me with a concerned face. "Kayci what's wrong?" he asked simply. "What do you mean." I asked acting confused. He was too smart for his age of only 11. "Don't lie to me." he said frowning. "It's not important don't worry about it." I said rubbing his shoulder and smiling at him. "Just know that I love you and you're going to be okay." he said. I smiled at him "I love you." I said sweetly. "Yah yah I love you too." he said going back to his game of chess. He couldn't hide the smile that was forming in his pale face. I grinned and joined with him. I bet you I looked like a real Malfoy now since I had the same blonde hair as they did. We laughed and talked for what seemed like forever and when I looked to my left my hair was growing darker every moment I spent with Draco. After a couple hours it was the same black I was born with. He smiled when he saw he was able to cheer me up. "Hey your mom baked some of those cookies how about me and you go grab a couple then you can sleep over in my room?" I said knowing he wasn't going to refuse. He grinned and nodded his head before running out of his room. When I saw Sev still downstairs I instantly became glum and I could sense my hair turning blond once again. Draco came out with a bunch of cookies and I bowl of different candies. I saw licorice wands and I started drooling. I just loved candy. I grabbed 2 bottles of pumpkin juice out of the fridge and followed Draco upstairs. "Kayci." Cissy called. "Yes." I said walking back into the sitting room. "We're going to go and get your dress for the ball tomorrow at 8 so be awake and ready to go." she said and I instantly became excited. "I will be." I said before sprinting up the stairs. Draco was already in his pajamas and laying on my bed. I walked into my bathroom and got into a baggy sweatpants and an old muggle "Cubs t shirt.". I put my hair in a bun and washed off my makeup off before going back into my room. Draco and I hung out all night before we drifted off to sleep. It reminded me of old times and I slowly relaxed?

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