Chapter 30

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Never in my life did I think Severus Snape would be the best sex I ever had. Was I so very wrong. Last night was magical. He was so skilled with everything he did and I couldn't help, but want more. Severus lay beside me asleep. Silently I got up and pulled on my small,black robe over my naked body. Quietly I walked into the kitchen and started to cool breakfast. I heard the door to my room creak open and when I looked up I saw a disheveled looking Severus. I smirked "Morning" I said happily. He nodded and walked over kissing my neck. I turned around so we were chest to chest. Slowly Severus inched closer to my lips and then......someone knocked on the door. I groaned, it didn't sound exactly like knocking more like a scraping sound. I walked over and opened the door to see my father in his animagus form. I gasped and my eyes got wide. I gestured for him to be quiet and stealthily I lead him to my room and closed the door. "Who's here" Sev asked as I walked into the kitchen. "Oh no one, hey Sev I've got something's I've got to take care of so maybe we can hang out later" I said hurriedly. He looked at me weirdly then shrugged. "I love you" he said kissing me and walking out. I sighed "Love you too". I heard my door open and out stomped my father. He looked exceptionally confused and angry. "What was that?" he asked. "Well Umm that was Severus" I said looking at my hands. "Oh really I hadn't noticed, but why was he in your chambers, kissing you and saying he loves you" he growled. "I'm with him daddy" I said quietly. "Out of all people why Snivellus?" he asked. "Because I love him" I said confidently. He looked completely bewildered. "You're lucky I love you otherwise I'd be very angry, I'm not saying I approve, but I'm not going to interfere" he said. I smiled and ran over hugging him tightly. "I love you dad" I sighed into his chest. "I love you more" he said softly. We had tea together and just hung out, but eventually he had to sneak and I was left all alone. I changed out of my sweats and into a pair of skinny jean, a white v neck and black converse. I put in my nose piercing that was a hoop and straightened my hair. Before leaving my room I put on a grey zip up jacket and grabbed my wand. Students walked around the building talking to their friends and enjoying their weekend. I decided it'd be nice to take a trip to the library. When I got up there the golden trio was there with their noses buried in books, well more of Hermoine's nose was buried in a book and Ron and Harry were just goofing off. "No quidditch practice today?" I asked Harry walking over to their table. "No not today" he said quietly before going back to his book. Hermoine looked rather unsure of my company and I finally understood why. I rolled my eyes and sat down next to Ron. "Hello Ronald" I said happily. He smiled widely "Why hello Mrs.Snape" he grinned. I smirked and began to laugh "Not anytime soon" I said. He grinned and shook his head "Will you be coming for the holdidays this year?" he asked. "Wouldn't miss it for the world" I said messing up his red hair. He glared playfully up at me and grinned. "So Harry and Hermoine what do you have planned for the holiday?" I asked. They both shrugged and wouldn't look at me. "Aww I see you both think I'm in league with my father don't ya?" I said. They looked at me with wide eyes. "Well I'm not nor have I spoken to my father since before you could even talk properly" I said. "I'm sorry professor" Hermoine said. "Yah I guess we misunderstood things" Harry added. "Don't worry about it and call me Kayci" I said winking before walking out of the library a grin on my face. I merrily walked down the hallway with a grin on my face. "Why are you always so happy?" Draco said walking beside me. I grinned at him "How are you not? It's a lovely day. The sun is shining and the birds a singing" I said happily. He groaned "You are sickening". "And you are adorable" I said squeezing his pale cheeks. He rolled his eyes and pulled my hands away from him. "So the holiday is coming up so how do you plan on telling mum and dad that you're with Snape?" Draco smirked. I stopped in my tracks and felt my skin go pale. How was I going to tell them?

Love for my Greasy potions master(Severus Snape love storyWhere stories live. Discover now