Chapter 38

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The rest of the holiday passed by rather fast. I snuck out and visited the Weasleys. Sev didn't exactly approve. Sometimes the people you love most can be the biggest assholes in the whole world!! Finally it was time to head back to school. I was actually missing the kids and other teachers. Except for Professor Sinestra, she fucking hated my guts. Sev had dissasperated earlier because he had some things to take care of. I finished cleaning and packing around 10 at night. It was late and everyone had already gotten back to school, but I had other things to take care of. I was actually extremely nervous being here alone after the letter I'd received. Every creak caused me to nearly pee my pants. I shut off all the lights and set out. After a nauseating feeling I was finally outside the gates of Hogwarts. You can't dissasperate all the way into the castle. Well actually I've figured out some loopholes but I didn't want to step on anyones' toes. It was extremely cold as walked up the path to the castle. I couldn't help but shiver quite severely actually. Finally I made it up to the nice, warm castle. No one was in sight, actually I'm sure everyone was more then likely at dinner. I trudged up the stairs to where my room was. When I walked in I nearly peed myself. "DAD!!" I yelled as I jumped backward. He signaled for me to be quiet before getting up and hugging me. "Hi daddy" I said hugging him tightly. "Hi sweetheart I got you something for Christmas" he said walking over to the side of my bed. "Dad no you could've gotten caught" I said sternly. "You're worth it" he said while handing me a small box. Slowly I pulled off the wrapping paper and took the lid off. When I opened it I burst into tears. It was a picture in a small frame of my mother and father and me sitting on their laps. We were smiling and seemed so happy. "Wait there's more" he said as he picked the picture up out of the case. He asked for my wand then spoke these words, "your love is spoken in this simple song and it will never be forgotten, your spirit will remain enclosed in this picture" then once he said those words a purple light shone brightly then my mother's voice appeared. She sang the same so she sang to me every night when I was a child. Once the song was over I threw myself in my dad's arms and cried for what seemed like forever. "I have to go for now dear, but I'll be back" he said before turning into his animagus form and left. I sat on my bed and held onto my new picture. Slowly I fell asleep because I just wanted to be by myself and it's not like Severus came looking for me anyways, asshole. I woke up to Oliver my owl nipping at my hair. "Alright, alright I'm up" I said slapping him away from me. I got up and did my usual morning routine then got dressed in black, pinstriped dress pants, a red button up shirt, a black blazer, and black stilettos. I curled my hair then pulled it back into a ponytail and I left my bangs out. I grabbed my wand then headed down to breakfast. Like usual I was one of the first people down there. Along with Severus. Slowly I walked down the space between the tables with my arms crossed and a scowl on my face. Severus looked everywhere but me. I plopped down in my seat next to him, completely ignoring him. "Kayci I would ask why you're completely ignoring but I have a feeling I already know what it is, but if you could verify my theory that would be bloody fantastic, love" Sev said from next to me. Slowly I turned my head to glare it him. "Please Severus tell me your theory, I'd just love to hear it" I said coldly. "You heard about Sinestra and I" he said simply. I snapped my head towards him and glared menacingly, I knew my hair had turned red and my eyes were getting there. "What do you mean you and Sinestra" I hissed at him. "I take it that isn't what you're upset about then" he said quietly. "I am now so tell me!!" I bellowed. "Kayci can this wait" he said quietly ad gesturing to the students who were now staring at us. I leaned over "You better be ready to explain yourself" I hissed before turning my attention to my breakfast. As soon as breakfast was over I quickly got up and swiftly walked to the dungeons. As soon as I got there I slammed my stuff down on my table and turned at the exact moment Severus was walking into the room as well. I walked over to him quickly and pushed him hard. He didn't even budge. "Now tell me!!" I yelled at him loudly. He grabbed my arms gently and sat me down on a table. "Well when I got back Sinestra was in my chambers, well she was extremely intoxicated and upset, being the kind soul I am I comforted her. One thing led to another and I ended with Sinestra all over me. I tried dear trust me I tried to get away, but it just wasn't working. Well Flitwick walked in and was extremely angry and told me he was going to expose me for the git I am." he confessed. I felt tears come to my eyes and when I looked at my hair it was now a light blonde. "Love I would never hurt you" he said softly. "I don't know if I can believe you" I sobbed. "Kayci you know I'm faithful and I'd never be not loyal to you" he said starting to get angry. "I don't know about that Severus, you didn't even greet me when I got back." I cried some more. He looked like he didn't have any words. "That's what I thought" I said before getting up and leaving the classroom. I passed many kids in the hallway as I walked to my chambers. They all seemed concerned by my sudden change in attitude. I stomped into my room and slammed the door in anger. Once the door was closed I screamed at the top of my lungs and threw things at the walls. My hair was a deep violet and I didn't know what the hell that meant and frankly I didn't care. I hadn't noticed it dinner time by time my little tirade had ended. I straightened myself out and walked down to the great hall again. Weirdly by time I got down there everyone was already seated eating dinner. I drug myself to the table and took a seat next to Flitwick. Understandingly he squeezed my shoulder and gave a head nod. By now I wasn't who I used to be. Something inside me had snapped. I'd grown cold and I didn't care anymore. I was now a proper bitch. Now when I looked at Snape all I felt was hate and loathing. I wanted to kill him, not with my wand but with my bare hands. I no longer wanted anything to do with him. How dare he betray me. I would get revenge.

Love for my Greasy potions master(Severus Snape love storyWhere stories live. Discover now