Chapter 11 Night with Snape

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The day couldn't have lasted any longer. All my classes dragged by. In potions I couldn't help, but tease Snape a little. Every now and them I'd lick my lips or hike up my skirt a little bit. He was getting very fidgety by the end of class an I could tell he was relieved when class was over. It is hilarious that I have that effect on him. The great Severus Snape's weakness is a little school girl. Carter and Eliza met me after Charms and we walked down to dinner with each other. Our conversation varied from werewolves to quidditch then some how we ended up on acid pops. Those things are absolutely disgusting, but Carter and Eliza think they're fantastic. My preference is blood pops and I know for a fact everyone,but me and vampires think they're horrid. I don't usually share that fact with anyone. I felt a pair of eyes one me and when I looked up there was the same pair of dark eyes that make me falter when they land upon me. I winked at him and he smirked at my gesture. I'm not being very sneaky, but I seem to never get caught when I do things wrong. I guess that's the Slytherin blood in me, but there's no denying that I'm a Ravenclaw through and through. I'd never intentionally hurt someone and if I did I definitely would use my brain instead of acting on the moment. Dinner passed rather slowly, especially since I only ate an apple. The rest of the time I sat and listened to my friends random and idiotic conversations. For being Ravenclaws they talk about pretty stupid things. Soon people started drifting off to their dorms while I waited for Eliza and Carter to finish up. They'd get suspicious if I left before them. I'd also have to wait for them to fall asleep before I left. 10 minutes later we headed up to our dorm. Eliza and I studied till 10 then we headed up to bed. It was 12 by time I was sure everyone was asleep. Quietly I slipped out of the dorm and into the drafty corridors. I was shivering like a maniac because I was in a black, satin nightgown that had spaghetti straps. The material was very thin and the cold air just seeped through. I was so cold I though I'd get a cold especially since I was now in the dungeons. Silently I walked to the brick wall that I knew his Sev's living area. Saying the word to get in the wall disappeared and a large wooden door appeared. Before I was able to knock the door swung open and there stood a disheveled and tired looking Severus. He motioned me in and I was thankful for the warm fire heating up the room. A pair of arms snaked around my waist and I felt his lips on my neck. "You're freezing." he whispered into my ear as he continued to kiss my neck. I was high on how he was making me feel and I loved every second of it.

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