Chapter 39

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I haven't talked to Severus in a month. Then you can guess that we're no longer together. His mood has taken a totally drop. I feel terrible for those poor children. He's absolutely ghastly to them. I have no clue what I saw in him. He's cruel and cold. But there is his nice side, the side that always held me when I needed it and he always called me love because he knew I liked it. Then there was his eyes. They held so much pain, but were so beautiful. Wait I can't think about those things. I'm never going back to him. He's unloyal and I hate those kind of people. Thank god the school year was close to over. Actually for me it was only a week longer. I had decided that teaching wasn't for me, so I'd be opening up my own potions and remedies shop in Diagon Alley. Lucius bought the rights to the building and everything I'd need for a birthday gift this year. He knew I didn't enjoy teaching as much as I should. Actually I'd be leaving in just a week and I still hadn't told my students, the only one who knows is Draco and he is not happy about it. He thinks it's because my breakup with Snape. Being that he's family I told him everything that happened and I swear he would've tried to kill Snape if I hadn't told him that it had to stay a secret. "Alright everyone I have something I need to tell you all" I announced to the third year that was working on a potion at the moment. "I love you all to death, but I've decided that I should be somewhere else in my life, so after this week I'll be leaving the school." I said sadly. Everyone looked like they were gonna cry. "But I promise you'll be seeing me around" I said trying to lighten up the mood. They all got back to their potions and I retreated back to my desk. A shadow was cast over me as I graded papers. When I looked up I saw Severus standing over me. "Can I help you professor?" I said monotone. "May I please have a word with you in private?" he demanded. more then asked. I stood up and pushed past and walked into his office. He followed behind me and shut the door. I sat on his desk and crossed my legs, but not in my usual sexual manner. I could see him shiver as he saw my skirt hike up and seeing my long legs. "Well what the hell do you want Snape?" I asked snappily. "So you're leaving" he stated. "Yes that's what I said" I said rudely. "Listen Kayci if it's because of me-" I cut him off. "Do not think for a second that you effect my life in any way. You do not phase me and I do stuff for me not you. I am not the victim in this and will not be made out to be. I've moved on with my life and you should too." I growled before walking out of the dreary office. I heard him quietly walk out of his office. I picked up my things and left the class, I had other things to take of. Actually I had a meeting with my dad. I walked into my room to see my dad drinking a cup of tea. "Hi daddy" I said cheerily while hugging him. "Hello love" he greeted back. "Kayci I know about you and Snivellus" my dad said. "What?!?" I asked obviously surprised. "I know that you too are together and I do not approve" he stated. I chuckled coldly "Well dad we're not together anymore" I said the anger evident in my voice. "Well thank god, but being that I'm your father I'm going to ask what happened" he said. "He cheated on me" I said while I busied myself with something else. He stood up abruptly, knocking over a table in the process. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Dad, you can be as angry as you want, but we both know you can't do anything about it." I stated. I could see the anger in his eyes, but he kept quiet. I walked over to him and hugged him tightly. "I promise dad I'm fine" I said quietly. He nodded into my shoulder. "Anyways I'm leaving anyways" I smiled. "What why?" he asked. I just kept confusing this guy over and over again. "Well Lucius bought me my own shop in Diagon Alley" I said awkwardly. He wasn't a fan of Lucius and Narcissa. He actually loathed them. He slowly nodded. "Well love I've got to head out, but I'll see you soon." He said before leaving. I finished packing my bags before heading to sleep. Tomorrow was my last day here and I wasn't feeling too sad about that. Trust me I loved my students, but things have been awkward since Severus and I broke up. There's always tension between us. I just couldn't wait to start over with my new business and new home.

Love for my Greasy potions master(Severus Snape love storyWhere stories live. Discover now