Chapter 2 The Hogwarts Express

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"LEXI!!!! Wake up!!!!" Draco yelled as he jumped on my sleeping body. "It's ten o'clock and the train leaves at eleven, HURRY UP!!!" he whined like a toddler.
"Alright,alright you little weasel I'm up" I chuckled at my eager cousin. He was so excited, but so was I on my first day of school. I can remember it like it was yesterday. Right now is not the time to be nostalgic though, I had to get ready for school. After Draco left I got dressed in black, high waisted shorts, a Black Veil Brides muscle shirt with a red bandeau top underneath and my black combat boots. I've always loved the muggles way of life so I've adapted to living just like them. I wear their clothes and listen to their music. I even bought an iphone 4 secretly. I straightened my long dark hair and pulled my favorite black beanie over the top. Before leaving my room I did my makeup and put in my nose ring. Once I was done getting ready I grabbed my wand and trunk then set off downstairs. When I reached the bottom of the staircase Dobby was there to take my trunk to the car. I gave him a warm smile and 2 sickles. He's always loved how shiny they are, even if he couldn't spend them. I've always hated how he's treated, I've even tried to give him clothing, but Lucius always seems to be there when I've just about handed it to him, then he throws one of his signature fits. I made my way to the kitchen where everyone was seated around the overly large table. The breakfast looked absolutely amazing, Dobby really did out do himself. I sat in my usual seat next to my Aunt Cissy. She gave me the biggest hug I've ever received.
"I can't believe your leaving us!!!! my aunt sobbed into my shoulder
"Auntie I promise to visit and I'll be back for the holiday" I said sympathetically because I knew what it's like to lose someone close to you.
"You better young lady otherwise I'll drag you back" she said much too seriously for my liking. This made Draco snicker and I stuck my tongue out at him.
20 minutes later I was boarded on the train and on my way to a place easily compared to heaven. My best friends Carter and Eliza met me in our usual compartment. Eliza pulled me into her signature death grip that she claimed was a hug,but I would beg to differ.
"Alright,alright Lize get off of her before you break her" Carter said in his usual calm tone."It's good to see you Lexi Lou" he said while hugging me.
"I missed you guys so much, I'm sooo sorry I didn't write, but Oliver was busy trying to persuade Charlie to write me back.
The were understanding due to the fact that I already told them what had happened when we went on our usual Hogsmeade trip at the beginning of our vacation. They didn't push any further on the subject. They knew it was a sore subject for me. The rest of the train was filled with laughter and us acting like total fucking idiots.

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