Chapter 37

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I finally was able to relax since the house was done. It was lit by candles and smelled of cinnamon. There was color instead of the dull grays and blacks. It seemed lived in now. Severus was out at Diagon Alley doing something that involved the Dark Lord and frankly I wasn't interested in joining him. Slowly I drifted off to sleep in the comfortable environment. I was awoken by hushed voices that seemed to be arguing. I opened my eyes to see the one and only and by far my second favorite werewolf, Fenrir Greyback. "I didn't know we were going to have company" I said standing up and crossing my arms while glaring menacingly at him. I was being sarcastic when I said I liked him, I completely hated him. "Ello' love" he said while tracing my arm with his rough finger. "I wouldn't do that unless you want to see me use an unforgivable curse" I said while holding my wand to his neck. He smirked, "You always were feisty. I think that's why I'm so attracted to you" he said while licking his lips. Severus came up behind him and held his wand to the back of his head. "Are you attracted to me now too?" Severus said like the sarcastic asshole he is and I just loved it. "Sorry Sev, I prefer the petite type" he said holding his hands up. "Well unless you want to be a filet I'd back away from my girlfriend" he growled. Fenrir smirked then backed away. "If you'd give me what I need and then I'll be on my way" Greyback said to Sev. Severus nodded and then looked at me. "Will you be alright with him alone for a few minutes. I nodded still glaring at Fenrir. "Come on love, I've known you see you were just a wee child. We're practically family" he said while letting a hearty chuckle. I couldn't help but let a small chuckle escape my throat. I may dislike him a lot, but he was like family and for being a blood thirsty werewolf and all he was pretty caring and sweet when he wanted to be. "That a girl" he said while giving me a one armed hug. Severus smirked then left to go get whatever Fenrir needed. "So little Kayci I hear the Dark Lord has 'some great things in store for you" he said while hitting my back with his hand. "Not that I care, the bastard could rot in hell for all I care. I'd die before joining your league of scum sucking pustules." I said venom dripping from every word I spoke. He laughed coldly, "Sweetheart he gets what he wants, he won't kill you, no he'll want you and he'll get that. No Kayci he'll kill whoever is dear to you. Even if that means killing one of his most trusted" he said quietly. I knew who he meant by most trusted, he meant Severus. He meant the Weasleys, he meant Potter, Hermoine, Lupin, Eliza, Carter, the Malfoys, everyone I cared for until finally he got me. I definitely wasn't feeling as confident anymore actually I felt quite sick and light-headed. Before I knew it everything went black. "Love, Kayci" I heard someone say softly. I opened my eyes and saw Sev and Fenrir looking down at me concerned. "What happened?" I asked while holding my throbbing head. "You fainty you little devil you" Fenrir said. "You're so weird" I laughed. Then everything came rushing back to me and I began to cry. Fenrir said goodbye and left while Severus held me. "Love, what's wrong?"he asked. "I'm gonna have to become a death eater" I said quietly. He didn't say anything, all he did was look at his hands. "See even you know it's true, why didn't anyone tell me?" I cried. "They all wanted it to be a surprise, like a present you could say" he confessed. "They're all mental" I laughed. Severus smiled at my laugh. "I don't see how you can always manage to be so happy, I mean look at this" he said lifting up a strand of my hair for me to see. It had turned a bright yellow on one side and a bubblegum pink on the other. This caused me to laugh even more, but I finally managed to return its normal black. "I think you've had enough for one night, how about we head up to bed" he offered. "Oh I we can head up to bed, but I haven't exactly had what I wanted tonight" I said seductively before kissing him roughly. He picked me up bridal style and brought me to his room. He laid me on the bed and ripped off my shirt and shorts that I'd cleaned the house in. Sev eyed me hungrily before I ripped off his clothes as well. The night went by in a blur. The next morning I woke up with a smile on my face and Severus' arm wrapped around my waist pulling me close to him. Slowly I got up and out of bed. Severus began to search for me in his sleep with a determined look on his face. I laughed lightly and slipped a pillow to where I had been sleeping. I pulled on my black, silk robe and headed downstairs. For a man that lived alone and was barely ever home Sev had quite a lot of food. I decided to make us French toast for breakfast. Even though I could just use a rejuvenation potion to wake myself up I settled on coffee. It was a lot better tasting then the potion and lasted a lot longer. I finished making breakfast and went upstairs to wake up Sev. I crawled onto the bed and straddled his sleeping figure. Slowly I made a line of kisses up his neck and along his jawline. I knew he was awake because he began to smirk, he was just enjoying this. I got really close to his lips, he puckered them waiting for my kiss. Of course I wanted to have some fun with. "SEVERUS BREAKFAST IS READY!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. He rather scared and fell to the ground taking me with him. I was laughing extremely hard as we laid on the cold ground. Playfully he was glaring at me. "You know Kayci that was not very nice." he said smiling. "Neither was it last night when you left this on my neck" I said showing him a hickey. He smirked cockily "I didn't know I had that much skill" he said. I flipped him off playfully and headed downstairs. Downstairs waiting was an owl. "Looks like someone has mail" I murmured. I gave the owl a bit of toast and then opened the letter since it was addressed to me. It read,

Dear Ms.Black

This letter is a warning. A warning from the dark lord. Well not exactly a warning, but some information you'd be best to take into account. I know what you can do and when I come back I'll need your strengths. No one is quite like you and if your mother had still been alive she'd be joining me as well. You saw what happened to her and if you cross me you'll be wishing for we fate. I know who you are with and I know the love you have for him. Wouldn't it be sad if he just happened to suffer an extremely painful and excruciating accident?

The Dark Lord I involuntarily shivered at the letter. I guess my fate had been chosen for me.

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