Chapter 25

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I groaned as my alarm began to sound. Slowly I got up and began to get ready. I dried my hair and magically straightened it. Before walking out I put on a black cloak and walked down to breakfast. The room was already pretty full and it surprised me. I was usually always the first one places. I shrugged and walked to my seat next to Flitwick and Snape. It truly was a sucky seat and I hated every minute of it. The feeling of Snape's gaze on my back sends shivers up my spine. His cologne smells the same it did all that time ago. It reminds me of when we'd lay with each other those nights I'd go to his room and stay for hours on end. From his dark hair to his velvety voice brought back feelings I didn't want to resurface. Even the way he breathed made me miss him. After my thoughts about Severus my mood went south. No matter what happens I'll always love him. He's the only man I'll ever love. He doesn't want me though he hates me. He told me and it nearly killed me. Well instead of killing me it put me into a 2 year coma. Breakfast was tasteless and slow. The morning seemed to drag on. The hall cleared out and I dragged myself down to the dungeons. The first class was 3rd years. Right away Harry and Draco started to argue. Severus sat at his desk and let it go on. "KNOCK IT OFF!!!" I yelled at the two. They instantly became quiet and sat down at their seats. I smirked to myself and Snape began his lesson. "Ms.Black I have to step out so you'll have to take over" he stated before gliding out of the room. I smiled and hopped to the front of the classroom. "Okay class let's toss away these books and have some real fun" I said before starting the lesson. I could tell right away the kids were having way more fun with me then Snape. Maybe because I was nice and fun and they could let loose. They knew they wouldn't get their head bitten off if they even breathed wrong. Draco and Harry didn't fight the rest of the class and I got Ron and Hermoine's arguing down to a minimum. Overall I was pretty proud of myself that I was able to control the class and get through a whole lesson without interruption. Snape came in ready to yell, but he had no reason because everyone was working silently over their cauldrons occasionally whispering to their partner. "I'm not as insolent as you thought,huh" I said smirking. He frowned at me a pushed past me. I grinned to myself knowing that I could still push his buttons just like I'd done in school. The class ended rather swiftly and the kids walked out a little slower then usual not as reluctant to stay. "Very well done Ms.Black I hate to say it but not too shabby" Severus said from behind me. Notice I switch Severus and Snape I only use his last name when he irritates me. "Thank you Sev" I said smirking to myself when I saw him tense up. He didn't acknowledge it but I could tell it bothered him more then he was letting on. "It's a free class so you can do as you please just as long as it's not here" he said trying to get me to leave. "Oh but Professor you're the only thing I want to do right now" I said as I walked out of the room. I didn't need to stay to see his reaction because after so much experience I already knew what it was. Jollily I walked along the hallways with a grin on my face. As I came around the corner I saw two red heads and I knew they were up to no good. "Now Fred and George what are you doing?" I asked as I walked closer to them. "We'll let you in on it if you don't give us detention" Fred piped up "And if you do then be expecting a dung bomb in the potions room later today" George added. "Sounds like a good time" I said coming over. I may be their teacher, but when I went to school here we did this kind of stuff all the time and it wasn't going to change today. After throwing a couple dung bombs and charming some ceilings to rain when walked through I left the boys to their mischievous ways. The bell rang and the hallways were flooded with kids. "Oh shit" I murmured to myself as a downpour of rain began. Kids screamed and I laughed as I spun around in the rain. I was soaking by time I got down to the dungeons. The classroom was half full. All of the kids were 7th years. I smiled and went to my desk. Severus was eyeing me with a smirk and I winked at him. His smirk instantly turned to a frown and his face became red. The rest of the day went by rather quickly and did not pass soon enough. Then a rather great idea popped up into my mind.

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