Chapter 21

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I twirled in my mirror looking at how I looked. My dress fit perfectly and my black stilettos made my legs look amazing. The black diamond necklace I was wearing was big, but simple at the same time. The black jewelry tied everything together and my eyeshadow matched my dress perfect. My hair fell perfectly around my shoulders in dark curls. Yes my hair finally turned back to its normal color. Lucius and I agreed that I could have one face piercing in so I chose to put in a black lip ring that's right in the middle of my bottom lip. It was 20 minutes before everyone was going to arrive so I made any last finishing touches on my outfit. I got into my jewelry box and found the ring I'd inherited from my grandmother. It was an emerald with our family crest. I put it on my left ring finger. It shone proudly on my finger. Before she died my grandma always had a liking for me. She told me multiple times I had real Slytherin potential. Of course when I was younger all I wanted to do was please her and I said there was no way I wasn't going to be in Slytherin. I reapplied the dark red lipstick I had on and grabbed my wand sliding it up the bottom of my dress into a pocket made especially for a wand. I never went anywhere without it especially when there was going to be a bunch of ex death eaters in my house. I walked downstairs with one minute to spare. I don't know why, but these people preached being on time. Soon people began coming inside the house. I greeted people kindly and took their compliments with grace. I groaned when I saw Marcus walk in with his parents. He saw me and instantly came up to me. "Hello love." he said kissing my hand. Lots of eyes were on us so I played nice. "Good evening Marcus." I said disgusted with myself. As soon as I was able to I slipped away from the party and into a back hallway. A door was open and I heard hushed voices. Lucius and Severus were in the study engaged in a conversation. I needed to talk to Sev now so I was going to have to get rid of Lucius. "Pardon me, but Aunt Narcissa is looking for you." I said to my uncle. "Oh yes ok, I'll be back Severus." he said before gliding out of the room. I chanted the spell to close the door and lock it. "We need to talk." I said sternly. "This is not the time nor place." he growled. "Oh yes it is and if you have a problem with it then that's tough shit." I said with the same amount of toughness as him. He glared at me, but didn't speak and I took that as a sign to continue talking. "Severus I'm going to say that I overreacted, but you did as well and you ended something that was the only thing keeping me alive. Sev I don't know how to say this, but I love you so much and I don't know what to do without you." I said tears falling freely down my face. His face softened, but stayed put. "Kayci this is not right we cannot be together, I hate to see you hurting, but at this time I have to be an adult and make the right decisions." he said in his drawling voice. That's when I got angry. "Are you an idiot look at you arm, you know what's there, I'll tell you the fucking dark mark!!! Was that the right decision. How about when you jinxed Harry's broom?!? Oh yes you're just full of great decisions aren't you, you're just a saint aren't you!!!" I yelled. I could my face heating up. A wind picked, but from where I have no clue. When I looked out the window I saw storm clouds beginning to gather in the night sky. My hair whipped around me and it was a blinding shade of red. I wasn't angry at Severus, I was angry at myself for falling for him. He looked shocked at my harsh words, but that shock was replaced by concern as my powers broke loose. "Kayci you need to call down." he said softly. "NOO!!! How can I when I'm losing you, you hate me and I can't handle it. I fell in love with you and you never cared!!!I HATE YOU!!!" I yelled not meaning the last part. His eyes turned cold, but I could see a plan bubbling up behind the hard exterior. "Well guess what Ms.Black I hate you too." he said in a calm voice. My whole world crumbled around me. I dropped to my knees, all the energy leaving my body. My hair changed to a blue color and my eyes became watery. I felt like a leaf that has fell from a tree in Fall and is just waiting to be stepped on. Severus rushed out of the room, leaving me there pale and heartbroken. My ears were met by a stampede of different footsteps. The door burst open showing half the party and then I blacked out.


~Severus' POV~

She was becoming out of hand and the only way I could stop was with those four words that finally let her relax. My dear Kayci, how could I be such a fool. The woman that I love and actually was stupid enough to love me back. It's just like me to say something stupid to someone I actually care for. She was the only good part of my lonely life. I sat in the living room with her a concerned Lucius. I've never seen him like this, not even when his own son was born. He was a proud man when Draco was born not a happy father. "She'll be fine." I reassured him. He nodded acknowledging my words. I think I was reassuring myself more then Lucius though. A solemn faced Draco came downstairs cuddled in his mother's side. Narcissa looked dreadful and I understand why. Kayci was like a daughter to her, the daughter she always wanted. When Sirius got taken away I think she was just ecstatic. At the time Narcissa wanted her to call her mommy, but Lucius found it more fit for an Aunt and Uncle, even they were just cousins. They've always had the bond of parents and child though. Believe it or not, but this family was the happiest one I've ever seen. The one keeping them all together was Kayci of course. Her bubbly character could bring a smile to anyone including an old hermit like myself. She lit up a room when she walked in and anyone who had the privilege to talk to her walked away a happier person. Not only was her personality great, but her looks were amazing. Her dark hair always fell around her shoulders perfectly, even though it was a mess. Her deep brown eyes held so much wisdom and just as much beauty as Harry's. Whenever she smiled her lips formed a perfect shape and they were always plump and pink. She wasn't like other schoolgirls, her figure wasn't like theirs. The shape of a stick, no she was as curvy as one of my potion bottles. Even the smallest freckle on her nose was just beautiful. She looked like her mom through and through, except for her personality, she has her dad's personality. She knows she has everyone wrapped around her perfect, little finger, but she doesn't use it to her advantage she helps other people with it. Even her walk has the same swagger her dad had when he walked through the school. Like Sirius she can have whatever boy she chooses to be with, but for some odd reason she chose me. An old, washed out, git who makes snide remarks to her whenever he got the chance. I hated her dad, but all I feel towards Kayci is lust and love. If she died I know I'd die with her because we're connected and that connection will never be broken.

Love for my Greasy potions master(Severus Snape love storyWhere stories live. Discover now