Chapter 35

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Cissy actually looked excited about what I had just told her. "Kayci you're a black. This is an honor. Even when you were just a baby the dark lord knew you had potential. You should be happy about this" she said in awe. I shrugged "I guess I was just confused. I just thought he was coming for me for a bad reason" I lied. There was no way I would become a death eater! I'd run away if I had to. I found Voldemort disgusting and everything he did appalling! I'd die before I joined him and his band of killers. "Do you feel better now?" my aunt questioned. "Yes" I lied. "Good dear now come help me with some party arrangements" she said patting my leg. I nodded and smiled up at her. I wasn't going to let this bother me right now. The rest of the day I helped Cissy get ready for the party and rarely saw anyone besides the house elfs. I think Severus had left with Lucius and Draco to go and get their dress robes. I walked upstairs to go and get ready for tonight. I pulled on my outfit and pulled my hair back into a tight bun with an emerald bow pinned into the front. I straightened my fringe so it covered my entire forehead in a black curtain. I did my makeup darkly and painted my nails emerald. Before leaving my room I put on my Slytherin ring my grandma had given me before she passed away. I heard my door open and I turned to see Severus standing there staring at me. "You look gorgeous" he gawked. I smiled "Thank you Love" I said before wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him tenderly. I pulled back and smiled at him. "Merry Christmas" he said as he held out a small, velvet box to me. I looked at the box then back up at him before grabbing it slowly and opening it. I gawked at the emerald that hung on a chain in the box. It was absolutely beautiful. Severus took it out of the box and clasped it around my neck. "Thank you so much Severus" I said as I kissed him again. "I have something for you too" I said as I hurriedly walked over to my dresser and grabbed his gift. Hesitantly he opened it up. Inside the small box there was a vile of liquid luck then I spent months brewing. Severus gawked at it happily. "Love this is just wow" he said dreamily. "I've been practicing for years and I had Dumbledore look at it so I know it's perfect" I said smiling. He pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "I've never gotten a gift before" he said quietly. I felt tears come to my eyes, but I didn't let them fall. "Well I'm happy I could be your first" I said softly. He nodded and kissed me again. It was magical. "We better get downstairs before company arrives" I offered. He nodded and slipped the vile into his pocket before grabbing my hand and walking downstairs. When we walked down people were already there. "Looks like we're a little late" Sev whispered in my ear. "Better late then never" I said back. He smirked and pulled me down the rest of the way. I walked away to go and chat with some Slytherin girls that were 7th years while Sev chatted with some ex death eaters that I had no interest in. "Hello love" someone whispered in my ear. I felt myself shiver in disgust at the voice. "Marcus I'd step back before I hex you into a coma" I hissed at him loud enough for the group of girls to hear. They snickered, but still eyed him lustfully. I don't know what drew girls to him. "Excuse us ladies" Marcus said politely before pulling me away. "I don't see why you loathe me" he said. "Oh I don't know Marus" I said sarcastically. "I love you" he said quietly. I shook my head "No you don't" I said before rushing away. I felt him walk after me. By now I was in the middle of the room. "EVERYONE I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY!!" he yelled loudly getting everyone's attention. I whipped around quickly and stared at him with wide eyes. "Marcus stop" I hissed at him quietly. "No you need to hear this and and so does everyone else" he said confidentl. I covered my face so no one could see it turning red. "Everyone I've made a mistake. 2 years ago I lost the person that meant the most to me and now all I want is her back. Kayci Amethyst Black I love you more then I've ever loved anyone else." as he said all this he got uncomfortably close to me. "Please Kayci believe me. I love you so much. I'd die for you" he said quietly and grabbed my hand inbetween his. I felt myself roll my eyes. "Shove it Flint" I growled pulling back my hand quickly. "I'm happy without you" I said. I heard him growl. This definitely irked him. "Maybe this will change your mind then" he said before grabbing my face between his hands and kissing me. I struggled and finally managed to push him away. "That's quite enough Mr. Flint" I heard Severus say. I rushed into his arms. He instantly wrapped them around my petite figure. "I thinks it's best if you leave" he said calmly. Marcus nodded before walking out with heavy footsteps. The party began again and Severus smiled down at me. He shrugged "Well that was quite the show" he smirked. I shook my head and smiled before kissing him. He grabbed my hips and kissed me some more. "I love you Kayci" he whispered into my ear. "I love you too" I mumbled into the crook of his neck. The rest of the night passed in a blur. I think I had one too many fire whiskeys at the party. One thing I know is people were treating me with a lot more respect then usual, like I was above them or something. I'm just trying to figure what they know that I don't.

Love for my Greasy potions master(Severus Snape love storyWhere stories live. Discover now