Chapter 14

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After a long Muggle Studies class it was finally time to go to Potions. I practically sprinted to class so I would be alone with Severus for a little while. When I got there no one was there just like I hoped for. His back was turned to me so I decided to sneak up on him. I covered his eyed with my hands and blew on his neck. I felt him falter as the air hit his neck. Slowly I kissed all down his neck. He took my hands off of his eyes and turned around so he was now facing me. "I would not be so daring Miss Black." he he said in that velvety voice of his. "It may just get you into trouble." he purred into my neck. I pulled away as I heard people outside the door. "Until next time love." I said as I walked to my seat. The lesson seemed to last forever and soon I was feeling drowsy. I know earlier I was talking about how Potions was my passion, but after staying up until 3 am with Severus I was ready to sleep. The bell rang and I tried to lag behind, but I was dragged out by Eliza. Walking into the common room I saw a notice for Quidditch tryouts. They had been postponed due to the captains injury. Damn it they were talking about me. Flitwick must've moved them to tonight. I guess I wouldn't have any alone time with Sev tonight. I skipped dinner so I could get some rest before tryouts. My sleep was restless and just uncomfortable. I'm sure if I'd been with Severus I would've slept like a baby. My bed seemed cold compared to his warm chest. My nap only lasted for an hour, but dinner had ended. Luckily being the great friend she is Eliza had brought me up an apple and a cold bottle of pumpkin juice. The apple tasted like heaven in my dry mouth. I put on a pair of pink running shorts and a black tank top with a pair off running shoes. I charmed my hair to pull into a French braid as I walked down to the field. By time I got down there about 20 people were waiting for me including Carter. Eliza got taken off the team last year for nearly killing a Slytherin who had knocked me off my broomstick. I was in the hospital wing for close to a month recovering. "Ok everyone welcome to Ravenclaw quidditch tryouts, if you were on the team last year you are not guaranteed a spot. Lets have a nice clean tryout, and try not to lose the Snitch this time." I said glaring at Carter. 2 long hours later I had picked the team. It was clear who was on it. Some of the players were just rubbish. "For chasers, Carter Tracy, Liliana Bell, and Zeke Limones, for beaters, Max Knight, and Kristoff Vinderslev, for keeper Mary Ford, once again I'm sorry if you didn't make the team, but maybe if you don't play so rubbish next year you might have a chance of making it, congratulations to everyone who made the team we have practice every night besides every other Sunday and every Tuesday." I said as I walked off the field. I know I'm kind of a bitch, but really don't try out for the team if you suck. That always pissed me off. I've been the captain for 3 years and I cannot put up with it any longer. "You know love you're even scarier then I am." came a voice from behind me. My frown became a smile as I turned to see Severus standing behind me with a smirk. "Well I can only try." I said back. He nodded his head directing me to follow and I did. Where was he dragging me now?

Love for my Greasy potions master(Severus Snape love storyWhere stories live. Discover now