Chapter 5 Saved by Snape

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I woke up at 5:30 much too early for my liking, but I couldn't help it I was extremely excited for my classes this year, especially Potions. It's always been my favorite class even if Snape is a slimy death eater. I've been around him my whole life, well at least when I came to to stay with the Malfoys. I know the not so cold side of Snape and he's actually not terrible to be around. I've never seen him smile, but he can crack a witty joke every now and then. Right when I met him I was drawn to him. Potions class takes me to a completely different world, away from all my troubles and the hardships of daily life. Even if Snape isn't the warmest person I have to say he is an artist when it comes to Potions. I quickly jumped in the shower to start off my day. I loved a warm shower with lavender scented soap it makes my day. Once I got out I pulled on my uniform with the exception of converse and a pair of skinny jeans. The only reason I can wear those is because Dumbledore and I made a deal that if I was top of my grade for 3 years I could wear as I pleased as long as my house color was included into the outfit. I was so pleased because I find the uniforms quite dreadful. Once I was dressed I made my way to the Black lake where I was going to meet Marcus before classes. I was supposed to be there at 7, but I'm an early bird so I was there at 6:35. When I arrived Marcus was already there, but he wasn't alone!! The GIT was snogging the dog faced whore Della Parkinson!!! Why would he go for her when everyone in the school compares her to an elder poodle. I didn't understand at all which is unusual for me because I'm practically Einstein himself, I mean I am in Ravenclaw. MARCUS BRADLEY FLINT!!! I yelled so loud it echoed through the gloomy sky. Quickly Marcus pushed Della off of him and started a stupid ass excuse that I wasn't buying. Being that I'm a descendent of Rowena Ravenclaw my powers we're let loose and I just couldn't control them. Waves crashed against the walls of the lake and the trees whipped so hard you'd think they would fall over. The wind was whistling and blowing my hair in every direction. I could feel my hair and eyes turn a bright red. I screamed and dropped to the ground because it felt like someone was stabbing me in the torso repeatedly. I started to black out from the pain. I heard a deep, velvety, voice yell my name through the chaos and soon I was being cradled in a pair of strong arm. The last color I saw was dark and I felt a soft material rubbing against my freezing cheek. It felt nice falling into the darkness. I finally felt at peace like the weight was lifted off my shoulders. I never wanted to ever see the light again. Someone though was telling me to wake up and it was ruining my perfect sleep. They sounded so urgent though, like they couldn't bear me staying asleep any longer. I wanted to comfort whoever was talking so badly, but soon I was overcome by the darkness and I slowly slipped into silence.

Love for my Greasy potions master(Severus Snape love storyWhere stories live. Discover now