chapter 28

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I woke up that morning feeling groggy due to the lack of sleep I had had last night after patrolling the school fro nearly 4 hours. It was a freaking wild goose chase, but I couldn't bring it up that I knew that he my father was no longer in the building. Then they'd know I was in contact with him and I'm sure that'd get me thrown in Azkaban for the rest of my adult life. Half the time when they send you to that god awful place you never come back out!!! That's the way they keep crime off the streets. They send you away for life even if you had just stolen a chocolate bar from Honeyduke's. There was no way id be going there anytime soon. Severus was still asleep next to me so quietly I got out of his bed, kissed him on the cheek and left the room to get ready for the day. I pulled on a dark pair of high waisted dress pants, a white button up shirt, tucked in. I unbuttoned the top of the shirt so you could see my dark green cami underneath. I magically curled my hair and then I put on a pair of black stilettos. Before leaving I applied dark red lipstick and I put emerald eyeshadow on. I grabbed my wand and headed to the great hall for breakfast. Sev was already there and it bewildered me at how fast he had gotten there. Sitting down I leaned over to him. "so how exactly did you beat me hear?" I asked. He laughed that beautiful laugh of his and kissed me lightly "You take forever to get ready" he said laughing at me. "You truly are an asshole" I said before tucking into breakfast. I heard him laugh once more before he began to eat his meal. I was suddenly unnerved at the feeling of someone watching me. Looking to my left I saw Flitwick and the rest of the staff looking at me like I was crazy. "Oh stick your nose in your own business" I huffed before taking a sip of my pumpkin juice. It chilled me to the bone, but definitely quenched my thirst that I'd been feeling. To my left I heard Severus snicker at my reaction to their nosiness. I shook my head and began to laugh. Soon all their gazes drifted back to their plates, but I felt one last gaze on me. I saw Professor Sinestra giving me the dirtiest look known to man. Anyone who's anyone knew she had the hots for Sev, but the feeling was never mutual. Smirking I sent her a wave and continued to enjoy my meal. Once the meal was over I grabbed a cloak from my room and sprinted outside next to filch. I was sooo excited today was a day out at Hogsmeade!!!

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