Narins Life

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I leaned on chair watching stars on the sky. My eyes filled with tears. I closed my eyes slowly a tear dropped from my eyes.

Flash back
" What are you doing rahul ? " I smiled at my boyfriend who is teasing me right now.

" Trying to kiss you you my Baby " Rahul said with soft tone.

" Rahul we are outside, People are watching us "  I said and moved back from his hold.

" So, Are you prepared to met my father ? " I asked having a smile on my face.

" Yes, Am i looking handsome ? " rahul asked looking into my eyes.

" As always" i said in soft voice.

" So,let me kiss you..." he said and came closer to my lips before that could happen i placed a finger on his lips.

" Not now first we have to meet my dad " I said.

" Fine.  let's go " he said and placed his arms on my shoulder with a smile on his face.

As we went inside my dad's office.  Its just a small room. we are middle class family and my dad loves me so much. when i  said to him that i love rahul he was so excited to meet rahul. As stood in front of his room.

" May i come in dad ?" I asked in a soft tone and smiled.

" Oh!! narin come " Dad said he is seated  on  his chair and  he placed  the papers on the table.

we entered inside the room.

Dad is quite cool. He always supported me. 

we took seat in front of him.

" So he is the rahul " my dad said in a soft voice leaning on the chair before I answer.

" Yes sir, My name is rahul. I work in bank My salary is 40,500$ and i love your daughter. I promise you to make her happy please accept us " rahul said in one go closing his eyes tightly.

Me and dad started laughing so loudly then dad stood from the chair and came towards rahul and put his hand of his shoulders

" Rahul first don't call me sir call me dad and next my daughter said every thing about you and don't be scared i accept you guys" my dad said Rahul stood up and dad gave a small hug to rahul and i also joined there hug and we started laughing loudly.

" Ok then i have work I should leave and also don't worry your marriage will me after 1 week " dad said in a soft voice.

" It's ok dad you carry on we will leave thank you dad " i said and gave a hug to dad and we left.

After we came outside

" Oh god!!! Narin you should have told me that you already informed about me to your dad" rahul said keeping hands on his head.

" I want to give you surprise just leave all this we are going to  marry rahul " i said in excitement and hugged rahul tightly he also hugged me and we both smiled while 

Above pic is narin

Guys it's my first story so please if there are any mistakes please forgive me and please vote me and please don't copyright

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