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Mike point of view

I am in meeting and unable to concentrate on it. The minute meeting got finished. I pulled my phone from my pocket. And called narin.

What's happening ? Why she is not picking my call ?

I went home.

I went to my room and saw narin cleaning the bed her face is dull. I went to her.

" Why are you not picking your phone " I asked her.

" I think it's in silent " narin said and took her phone from the table.

" Why did you keep it in silent? I am calling you since 1 hour " I said and pulled her wrist. Suddenly her wrist is burning. I put my hand of her forehead.

" Hey you have fever " I said.

" No... It's nothing just a small fever " narin said and sat on bed she put her hand on her head.

" What ? You say this has a small fever, you are burning " I said and sat beside her.

" It's really ......." Before she complete. She fell unconscious on my shoulder. I placed her on bed and covered her with blanket. I placed my hand on her forehead.

" SHUT !!!! You are burning " I said

I wiped her body with wet cloth. And after some time I took her temperature and gave her tablets and slept beside her placing her head on my shoulders.

Narin point of view

I got up my head is paining badly. and went inside washroom. When I came out I saw mike sitting on sofa working. I ignored him and started cleaning bed.

" What you want to eat ?" Suddenly mike spoke breaking the silence.

" I am not hungry " I said and started cleaning. He came to me.

" Last night you got sick and now you have to take your medicines " mike said and pulled my wrist and throw me on the sofa. I head started to spin.

" You are eating that's final understood " mike said and gave me a plate.

" But.... " Before i speak he gave a small kiss on my lips. I shivered for a second.

" If you don't eat I am going to kiss you like this " mike said And placed a other kiss on my lips.

" I will eat " I said and took the plate.

" That's good " mike said and started working on the laptop.

After I ate I am about to go out.

" Did you take medicines " mike asked looking at the laptop.

Why he care about me ? When He said he is going to torture me.

He got up and pulled my wrist and put me on bed and gave me medicines I took it. He went to the sofa and started working.

I stood up and went outside. Walking around the house. I saw the same room which is always locked. I tried to open but it is locked.

I don't know when I see this room I feel familiar with. Suddenly my stomach started paining. Why it's paining i already took my medicines right ?

I placed my hands on my stomach. I think I should rest and went to room. I saw mike still working. I went and slept on bed.


I woke up when I felt someone tapping me like pulling my hair. I got up to see who it is.

I saw a little boy same as max but he is still smaller than max. I put my hand on his head.

" Who are you ? What is your name ? " I asked him he is just smiling at me. He started running. I got up and went behind him. Suddenly I got hit on pillar. When I raised my head only to find.

It's Rahul. I put my hand on his cheek tears are rolling down my cheek.

" Rahul " I said and hugged him tightly he hugged me.

" Narin, I love you " rahul said.

" I love you too please come back. I can't leave without you " I started to cry.

" Shh... Don't cry I will be with you in your heart forever and ever " rahul said and hugged me. I turned to his face. I saw blood is coming from his head.

" Rahul..... Blood blood " I shouted suddenly he disappeared.

" Rahul rahul rahul..... " I shouted . I sat on the ground tears are flowing down the cheek.

" Rahul don't leave me alone " I shouted in sobs. Suddenly mike ran into the room.

" Narin, why are you on ground ? Why are you crying ? " he asked holding my both hands.

" Rahul..... He is bleeding I have to help him " I said in tears.

" What ? Rahul " mike asked in confuse.

" Rahul.... He wants me I have to go " I said and got up.

" Narin what are you saying ? " Mike got up and hugged me.

'' Rahul is bleeding i have to go...... leave me '' i shouted at him And about to go. He pulled me to his chest.

'' it's nothing just calm down '' mike said hugging me and placed a kiss on my temple

'' No....Rahul ..... He is waiting '' i said and pushed him from his hug. He pulled my wrist to him and placed his both hands on my cheek pulling my face close to his.

'' Rahul is dead. Are you listening to me ? He is dead '' mike shouted at me .He hugged me tightly. I put my head on his chest and clucked his shirt tightly.

" Rahul...." I cried loudly.

Suddenly I heard a door sound and one girl and a boy came into the room. I broke the hug.

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