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Narin point of view

After that night when I found the necklace of Rahul's in Mike's wardrobe many questions are in my mind that I wanted to ask Mike but...

Is that okay to ask him ?

I promised him that I will forgot Rahul if i talk about him again will Mike get angry at me.

Why the necklace is in Mike cupboard ?

It looked exactly the same.

I have many questions in my mind but got so tired and drift off to sleep.

I slowly opened my eyes and and turned to my right only to see Mike staring at me.

I have to accept Mike atleast I should try. Why am I thinking about my past ?

We are on  bed cuddling eachother while Mike pulled me into a tight hug.

I got shy and buried my head into his chest.

" You are beautiful "

I got little shocked him saying this words. I came out of his grip and stared into his eyes. Mike slowed placed his hand on cheek.

" What ? " Mike chuckled. I nodded and nothing and gave a smile to him.

I'm about to get up Mike quickly pulled me back into his arms.

'' Where are you going ? '' Mike asked.

'' You are going to be late for office "

Mike closed his eyes and pulled me even closer.

'' Few more minutes. I want to hug you "

" Mike " Before I speak.

" Hey, Can't I have a personal time with my beautiful wife ? " Mike said looking at me.

" Mike, look at the time. It's 10:00am. Everyone will be waiting for you in the office. Get up "

I said trying to my best to get out of his grip.

" You might've forgot wifey your husband is millionaire "

" Mike, No more excuses "

" Narin... " Before he speak.

" Today we will have dinner together okay ?  I will make your favourite dishes"

" Promise " Mike pouted.

I chuckled.

" Yes "

" Okay " Mike quickly got down the bed and before he get into the washroom he placed a peak on my forehead and quickly hurried into the washroom.

I blushed.

After half an hour I seen Mike got ready and suddenly his phone buzzed.

" Mike your phone is ringing " I made a loud sound so that Mike can hear who is in dressing room.

" Who is it ? " Mike asked.

I gave a look at the screen shows unknown number.

" Unknown number "

Mike sighed and got out and handed the phone to him while I continued with making the bed.

" Yes, I will be there. Please handle till I arrive "

" Narin, I'm leaving now. Don't forgot our dinner together. Don't skip your medicines" Mike said in hurry and rushed out.

" Breakfast...." Before I say he is out of the room.

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