I hate him.

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I married to a jerk.

We are in his huge luxurious car. I looked at my wedding ring. I just want to remove it from my hand and throw it.

I started to stare outside. Tears are continuously flowing down my cheek.

Why it's ended like this ?

Suddenly Mike pulled my wrist. He looked at my tears.

" Wipe your tears " He ordered. I looked at him angrily.

" Looks like you don't do what I say. Fine. I know how to make you do it " He said angrily. In a second he bent down closer to my cheek and  about to lick my tears. I pushed him and wiped my tears quickly.


I pressed my lips and started to cry silently.

" Come here " He said patting the seat beside him. I ignored him and started to cry silently. In a second he pulled me to him. He pulled a small box from his pocket.

He took out a small necklace from it.

" Turn around " He ordered. I sat still. He made me turn around forcely. He slowly removed my hair aside.

His hands started to touch my back. He slowly put the necklace around my neck.

" Don't ever remove this necklace " He said. Suddenly I felt his lips on my back. I shivered. I am about to turn. To stop.

" Stay still " He said. He started to place small kisses on my back.

What he is doing ?  Not in the car.

" Sir, We arrived " suddenly we heard driver voice. I shivered and  about to move he hold my shoulders.

" I will make you forget " Suddenly he whispered in my ear and took my ear nob in his mouth.

What he will make me forget ?

" Let's go " He whispered in my ear. In a second he got out of the car. I sat there still.

My heart started to beat fastly. Tears are in my eyes. I seen driver opened the door. I got down.

I literally shocked to see the huge building in front of me.

The whole building is made up of glass.

There are 10-20 servants who are there to welcome us.

So rich people live like this. 

" Welcome to our home  " mike said and  pulled my hand. He is about to take me inside.

" Where is max ?" I asked and made him stop.

" He is in safe place "  mike and about to take me inside.

" He can't leave without me. Please, let me see him. I promise I will do whatever you say as long as I see him" 
I begged in front of him.

" He is in my guest room. He is sleeping. Met him tomorrow " mike said. He pulled me inside the house.

" No, I want to see him " I said angrily and removed his hand.

That's all anger raised in him. He quickly pulled my arm and started to drag me upstairs.

" Leave me. Where are you taking me ? " I shouted and trying my best to remove his hand.

He dragged me inside a room. As I looked around. It's bedroom.

The bedroom is huge with a king size bed. Beside bed there is a huge window. I can see the balcony. 

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