The jealous

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I woke up when sunlight hit my eyes. I slowly opened my eyes are saw around. Thank god mike is not in  room. I heard my phone ringing i took my phone and its john. 

'' hello, john '' i said in a low tone.

'' hello na..rin'' john said in a sad tone on phone.

'' Is every thing ok ? Why your voice seems sad " I asked  and got up from bed.

''if..... you don't mind will you meet me ? '' john asked in a sad tone i can feel he has something to tell me.

'' yes, I will meet you at the same restaurant'' i said. Before I hung up.

'' wait !!!! Narin not at restaurant.  I will send you the address lets meet there '' john said. I feel that he is in sad mood.

'' ok '' i said and cut off the phone 

I went to washroom and fresh up and went down stairs and i saw mike and max playing with each other i went to max.

'' sis,where are going? '' max asked in a sad tone and his head down and mike is staring at me.

'' It's  a small business and i will be there in 2 hours ok ? '' i said to max max suddenly started crying.

'' its not fair sis. Today is sunday. you said that we will spend together '' max said i can't see his tears.

'' where are you going ?  '' suddenly i heard mike voice. 

''just a small business its important'' i said looking at max and wiped his tears.

'' what it is more important than max ?  you  are married you should full fill your duties as a  wife'' mike said in a angry tone and max went crying into the room.

'' max listen to me.... max'' i called but max went inside without seeing me.

'' Are you mad ?  can't you see ? He wants to spend time with you ?  what  kind of a girl you are ? '' suddenly mike said from behind.

'' its none of your business max is my brother he will come to me. When his anger reduced '' i said and about to leave mike pulled my wrist.

''How many times i have to tell you its my business ?you are my wife understood. Max is a family to me '' mike said in a angry tone.

'' you want to go out right ? Fine leave. I will not stop you '' mike said and he smiled at me and removed his hand from me.

what exactly he want ?  i can't understand him. I ignored him and went out of the house.

I suddenly got message from John.

Hills ? Why he want me to meet there ? 

I reached the place.

I saw john sat on a rock and he placed his hand on his forehead and he is tapping his legs. He is  shivering.

what happen to him ?  Why he is behaving like this ?  I  went to him and placed  my hand on his shoulder.

''john ? ''

He turned  his face. I got shocked to see his eyes are full of tears.

Before i speak. He suddenly hugged me. He is crying like a little baby i tapped his back.

'' john, why are you crying ?'' i asked  and removed the hug  and he still started crying and hugged me again.

'' john,  what happened ?  tell me '' i said and rubbed his back.


'' john, what mom ?  I can't able to understand '' i said in a confused. 

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