A New Employee

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After 1 week

Narin point of view

Its been a week.

We are so happy together just like a normal couple. I'm in hurry I quickly started to pack Mike's lunch.

" Narin, bye " I heard Mike voice. I quickly ran out holding the box in my hand.

" Here " I took a breath. Mike smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead.

" I will be late. Take medicines on time and sleep early " He said. I nodded. He smiled and  walked out of the room in hurry.

Its been a hour I'm cleaning house. I'm wiping floor suddenly I felt dizzy and quickly took a grip and sat on sofa.

What's happening ? I feel dizzy. I feel tired and sleepy. I just lay on sofa after a few minutes I drift off to sleep.

Mike point of view

I'm trying to call narin from past a hour. Why isn't she picking up my call ? I got worried.

" Can I come in sir ? " I heard my assistant. I placed my phone on table.

" Yes "

He walked to me holding papers in his hand.

" Sir, everyone is waiting " He said. I nodded and got up.

We reached the meeting room everyone stood I told them to be seated and we continued with meeting.

After few minutes.

" John, who is in-charge of this project ? " I asked.

"Its .. " John hesitate to say. 

" Don't you think it's making the project delay ? " I said a little angrily.

" Hello everyone. I'm Aom sushar. The new director of this project " I seen a women walked into the room holding a bunch of files in her hand. 

" What's the time ? " I asked angrily.

" Its 11:00pm " She said smiling at me. The staff started to whisper that someone raised voice in front of me.

" QUITE !!! " I screamed hitting the table hardly everyone remain silent while I seen that aom giving me a flirting smile at me.

This project is important for us. I want her I can't make any mess.

" Get back to your works " I said and everyone dispersed while I seen her still stood there showing her attitude.

I ignored her and about to leave suddenly she stood in front of me. I looked at her angrily. Suddenly she started to come closer to me.

" Move " I ordered.

" You are more handsome in person rather than in TV " She said exposing her breasts to me.

" Get away from my way " I warned. Suddenly I seen her removing her buttons. My eyes widen in shock.

What is she doing ?

" You... " Before I complete.

" Its hot here " She said. I quickly pushed her and walked off.

If not the project I won't let this kind of people into my company. Let the project complete I make her show the true face of me. I pulled the phone from my pocket only to see that narin called me. She must be waiting for me.

I reached home. The minute I entered into the house I seen narin on sofa sleeping. What she is sleeping here ? I slowly walked to her.

Stupid girl you didn't even put the blanket on you. I sat beside her and slowly placed my hand on her cheek. She look pale. Why she look tired ? Narin slowly woke up.

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