The Apologize

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Narin point of view

We reached Singapore. The minute we reached into our room I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I quickly clenched my stomach tightly. I closed my eyes for a second in pain.

" Shorty, Do... " I quickly opened my eyes and removed my hand from my stomach.

" Huh ? "

" What happened ? " He asked in concern looking at me. I smiled and shook my head.

" Hey which places do you want to visit in Singapore ?" mike asked looking at me. I didn't replied. I stood still enduring my pain.

" Hey shorty. I'm asking you " mike said and placed his hand on my shoulder. I quickly ran into the washroom.

" Shorty what happened ?" Mike followed me. I quickly closed the door.

I quickly opened all the tapes and sat on ground holding my stomach small tears rolled in my eyes.

" Ugh !!! " I yelled in pain.

" Narin, Open the door. What happened ? " Mike asked knocking the door.

Mike can't hear me. He can only hear water sound. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and took a deep breath and released.

I opened my eyes and got up slowly and wiped my tears and opened the door. I seen Mike looking at me in concern.

" Are you okay ? " He asked and quickly approached me. He hold my shoulders and looked into my eyes.

" I.... Just wanted to use washroom badly " I smiled awkwardly rubbing my neck. Mike quickly removed his hands from me.

" You made me scared " Mike said releasing a breath and got seated on bed.

I slowly walked to my suitcase and started to unpack.

" Shorty, Glass of water " Mike said pointing to the table. I took a strength and pour the glass of water and handed it to him.

I continued with my unpacking.

" I'm tired " Mike lay on bed.

I closed my eyes for a second controlling my pain.

Mike point of view

Why she is staying still ? Today she isn't being aggressive with me. What happened to her ? I slowly got out of the bed and approached her. I placed my hand on her shoulder. Narin shivered and turned to me in fear.

My heart skipped a bit when I seen her shiver. I quickly hold her shoulders.

" Are you okay ? What happened ? " I asked in concern looking into her eyes. She shook her head and smiled.

She looks different today. What's bothering her ?

" Tired ? " I asked. She nodded a little bit.

" Get some rest. I will wake you up later " I said. Narin nodded and about to get on bed. We heard door bell. I walked to the door and opened it only to find Ash and John.

" What are you guys doing here ? " I asked. They look sad.

" Actually.... It's... " Ash try to say.

" She is leaving " John spoke out.

" What ? Seriously ? " I screamed.

This two made the plan and now Ash wants to leave. Why ?

This girl makes me angry.

" Cool !!! I got urgent call. I have to leave right now to newyork " Ash said sadly.

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