His past-2

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I lean on the chair and felt asleep and my thoughts hit to past.


mike and rahul are the biological brothers when mike was 18 years old. His  parents died in an accident. Mike took care of his brother  rahul who is  17 year old. Mike took up his father's company and he raised into a worlds no1 billionaire.

Mike and rahul are in there room. Mike Sat on study table and working on laptop were rahul was sat on the bed and typing some thing on his phone with smile on his face

''rahul,  what happened ? why are you smiling ? Did some thing happened ?  show me '' mike asked smiling at rahul.

''It's Nothing'' rahul said and he just hid the phone behind the pillow. Mike came closer to rahul. 

''Had over your mobile'' mike said. He tried to pick the phone. 

''brother its nothing '' rahul said smiling at mike. Mike pulled the pillow and took the phone and he saw the picture of narin.

''who is she? she is beautiful. I like her. what's her name?'' mike asked while smiling and looking into picture and zooming it.

'' Bro, she is my girl friend. Her name is narin  '' rahul said in a low tone. 

'' Idiot !!! you got a girlfriend without telling me. Narin, wow !!!  such a beautiful name. "  Mike said looking at the picture. Rahul made a puppy face. 

" I missed such a beautiful girl you should've introduced first to me '' mike said and hit on rahul's head.

'' OUCH !!! Brother she is my girl friend. I'm warning you  '' rahul said in serious tone.

''  I  know, i am not an idiot. I won't ran around my brother's girl friend '' mike said smiling at rahul .

'' so, I want to ask you one thing. Did she know that you're  billionaire ?'' mike asked and sat  beside rahul and put his hand around rahul's shoulders. 

'' No bro. I still didn't told her. Tomorrow is her birthday i want to give her a surprise. one more  shocking news to you, her parents accepted us and we are going to marry in 1 week '' rahul said while  smiling at mike. 

'' You..... This important matter and you didn't told me.I think you deserve one punch'' mike said. He kicked rahul's stomach.

'' Ouch !!!! Sorry.  i want to give you surprise and tomorrow is her birthday. so, i decided to introduce her to you'' rahul said smiling at mike.

''Fine. I leave you this time. You have to tell me this matters understood '' mike said and hugged rahul. Rahul nodded. 

'' congratulations. Buddy '' Mike said and gave a punch on rahul's shoulder.

''  It's good that you found a girl to marry. so, please invite me to see our girl friend '' mike teased. 

''Bro its not our its my girl friend only mine '' rahul said seriously. 

'' i know your girlfriend.  If she will fell in love with me , then don't blame me ok '' mike said while laughing and kicking at rahul.

'' bro.... u you want to fight right ?  lets fight come... come'' rahul said laughing coming towards mike.

'' Did you forget one thing rahul ? I am national champion in boxing" mike said smiling at rahul and folding his sleeves up to elbow to ready for fighting. After a long fighting .

'' ok.... ok.. you win i lose ok '' rahul said holding his breath and mike nodded smiling at rahul both laughed to each other.


'' bro , where are you? we are waiting outside '' rahul said on  phone looking at our house. He told that he invited Narin's parents too. 

'' Cool.  i am coming'' mike said on other side on phone after few minutes. Mike got down. 

'' Aunty  and uncle. Here is my brother Mike'' rahul introduced me to them. 

'' Hello, aunty and uncle. I think your are narin parents? where is she?'' mike asked smiling at them.

'' we want to surprise her. she is at home right now '' aunty said. I smiled. 

'' lets go, we are going to be late'' rahul said. He is eager  to meet narin.

Mike took the drivers seat. 

'' SHUT !!!!   I missed roses. Narin loves red  roses'' rahul said in worried tone.

'' Don't worry rahul. we will just stop near by flower shop '' mike said smiling at me. 

'' Thank you bro '' rahul said 

'' you are welcome''mike said and he stopped the car in front of a flower shop. 

'' Bro just wait for me i will be in a minute'' rahul said 

'' it's ok son i will go '' uncle said 

'' No...No your legs are already in pain '' aunty said to uncle and suddenly they started fighting like kids.

'' Aunty, Uncle. Don't stress yourself. I will buy flowers . I too didn't brought anything for narin so let me also buy her present ok '' mike said and we all started to laugh. 

mike got down from the car and went inside the  shop and brought the flowers and when he came out suddenly a huge bus hit  our car. In a second our car got into pieces.

I stood still for a second and dropped the flowers from my hands and ran towards the car and there is nothing left. I fell on the ground and started crying loudly. 


I came out of sleep when i heard someone knocking the door. so, I got up placed the picture in its place and wiped my tears with one hand and dragged my coat, put of the lights and went to open the door. I saw my bodyguard standing there.

" Sir, you have meeting i" he said and I nodded to him he went off.

I came out of the door and locked it.  I won't let narin know all this. 

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