I care for you

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After 7 month's

Narin point of view

It's been 7 month's. Now my stomach is big and heavy. Mike is same as usual he cares about me but I try to push him as possible as. I sat on sofa. Then mike came sat beside me.

" Did you take medicines ? " Mike asked looking at me. I didn't looked at him. He pulled my face to his.

" I am asking something narin. You are angry at me right be angry at me. But please talk to me " mike said looking at me his eyes full of tears.

" I am going to office take care of yourself. If you want anything ask servant she will get for you " mike said and kissed my forehead. I just sat not looking at him. Mike placed his hand on my stomach and rubbed my stomach tears rolled in his eyes and went off without looking at me.

I cried tears rolling down my cheek. I had done many kinds to neglect him but still he cares about me. I got up holding my stomach. Because it is heavy. I walked slowly to the kitchen. I saw servant working in kitchen.

" Mam you should've called me. Do you want something mam ? " Servant said looking at me.

" That......you can go home. You said your children is sick right " I said looking at her.

" Mam it's ok there are fine. If I leave you like this sir will scold me " servant said smiling at me.

" It's ok I will inform sir you can go home " I said looking at her.

Now I just want to be alone. If she will be here I can't able to go out.

"I am sorry mam till sir give instructions I can't leave like this " servant replied to me.

I think she will not go like this. Suddenly I got a call I picked up. It's John.

" Yes John " I said.

" Did mike is at home ? " John said.

" No he said he is going to office. Is mike not at office ? " I asked him in worry tone.

" No narin he till not came. There is a important meeting if he comes please inform me " John said.

" Ok " I replied and hung up the phone.

Where did he went ? If he is not in office ? Then where ? Oh my god ! Did he went to bar again. To drink. I think I have to check.

" I am going out. I will be back within a hour " I said to servant and about to go.

" Mam you can't go in this state " servant said stopping me from going.

" It's ok I can manage " I said and walked out.

" Mam listen to me....... " Before she tell anything I ignored her.

I slowly sat in car and started the engine. And searched almost all bars and pubs  for mike. But he is not there. I got down of the car. Suddenly my stomach begin to pain. I controlled myself and searched around. I have been looking for him for past 2 hours but I did not find him. I looked at my watch it's night 9 o clock.

Mike point of view

I returned home. I looked around for narin. I saw servant in kitchen I went to her.

" Where is narin ? " I asked looking at her. Her head is down and she looked worried and scared.

" Sir..... Mam went out " servant said in a low tone. I looked at her angrily.

" WHAT ? how can you send her in that state " I shouted at her loudly.

" Sir..... I told mam to not go but..... " Before she speak.

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