The Fear

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Mike point of view

I am standing outside the operation room. I am walking here are there.

She is going to be fine.

I am almost sweating in fear. I tighten my fist and small tears are in my eyes. I seen doctor is coming out of the room.

'' How is my wife ? Is she okay ? '' I  asked. His face is dull and he placed his head down.

'' Your wife.....I can't able to understand how can she handle that much pain ? She is suffering from DYSMENORRHOEA. '' Doctor said looking at me. I looked at him in confused.

'' What does it mean doctor ? '' i asked him my eyes are filled with tears.

'' It means in periods it is common to have pains. But in your wife case it is more than extent. If she continues to have pains like this.  Then we have to remove her uterus. she can't able to give birth to babies'' Doctor said in sad tone. I got numb. My legs felt lifeless. I moved a step back.

'' Come down mike.  Now she is ok if it is more than extent then we have to do the surgery. Right now she want only your care and support. I will give some tablets to reduce pain. If she suffers from pain again you have bring her immediately  to the hospital. But her pain is common you have to support her and give strength to her. This is only way to reduce her from pain. I also don't think the tablets will work because it is more than i expected  so i suggest to take care of her.'' Doctor said and went off. I got seated on chair tears rolled down my cheek.

I made her in this extent. I shouldn't have forced her.

The way i pushed her. The way i pinched her stomach. I think she got through so much pain because of me. I wiped my tears with my hands. And went inside the room.

I saw her laying on the bed and her hand is injected with injection.

I went to her sat beside her and cared her hair with my hand tears rolled in my eyes. I took her hand in  my hand and kissed her hand. And i hold her hand tightly to my fore head.

'' I am sorry narin. I am really sorry please forgive me. Because of me you are in  this state. From today on i will take care of you and not force you in any physical contact. I promise you please get up. I can't see you like this. I want you. I will give you all happiness a husband should give to her wife. I can't let you go through surgery. I will take care of you. You have to give birth to our love you can't lose like this i will support you. '' i said tears are rolling down my cheek.

After a hours passed i felt a sleep.  I woke up i felt her hands are moving.  I cared her face she is opened her eyes slowly.

'' Narin, are you okay ? Does it still pain ? '' i asked her in sad tone.

'' Water....'' Narin said in low tone. I helped her get up and she lean to the pillow. I helped her in drinking the water.  I hold her hand.

'' You are ok right ? It's not paining right ? '' I asked looking into her eyes. She removed my hand from my hold.

'' Eh.... hmm ''' Narin said looking down. I smiled at her and pulled the food table to her.

'' First you have eat and then take the medicines ok ? '' i said and took a spoon full of soup and placed to her mouth. She glares at me.

'' I can eat myself '' Narin said in angry tone and pulled the spoon from my hand. I smiled at her.

After 4 hours 

Narin is sleeping peacefully on the bed. I covered her with blanket and kissed her forehead and sat on the chair looking at her. Suddenly she opened her eyes and got up.

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