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Narin point of view

I woke up and saw the blanket on me. who placed blanket on me ?  Strange. I got up and looked around. There is no one. I went to bedroom and saw mike sleeping on bed. He really sleeps like a kid. I went to washroom and came out wearing a pair of shirt and jeans and pulled my hair into a bun.

Come on !!!!

Narin start cleaning now. I went downstairs to kitchen I shocked to see the mess.

Mike I'm going to kill you.

I started cleaning the kitchen. I seen Mike  came downstairs he got freshed up. He looked at me. I ignored and started cleaning. Mike sat on sofa and switched on the T.V

" Narin. Coffee. Add less sugar " He  screamed looking at the T.V

This crazy bastard.

I placed the coffee angrily on table Mike raised his eyebrow for my behavior. He silently took the cup and had a sip.

Now he is going to comment on my coffee. I knew it.

Suddenly I seen he is having coffee calmly. What ?

He is not going to make fun of me ?

" What ? Are you going to stand here and stare at me ? " Mike asked looking at me.

" Who wants to stare at you. Ugly face" I said and turned my face. Mike quickly got up from sofa.

" Me ? Ugly ? You know girls die to look at my face.  They stand in line for just one autograph, you know " mike said smiling at me.

" They Don't have taste, choosing a ugly face like you " I said and chuckled.

" Narin " mike screamed angrily.

" Started again ? " suddenly a voice came from behind, its ash.

Mike and me looked at eachother angrily like a fire is passing us both. He ignored and walked to Ash.

" Cockroach.....  " Mike said pointing his finger to Ash.

"Cool. I was  kidding. Leave all this. Let's get ready  " ash said smiling at us.

" Where are we going ? "  I asked confusingly.

" Hey cockroach, what's your plan ? '' Mike asked.

'' We are going to singapore '' Ash said excitingly and clapped her hands. Me and Mike looked at eachother in confused.

'' singapore? I'm not interested '' Mike said walking from there.

'' Who wants to go with this devil '' I murmured turning my face. Mike quickly walked to me.

'' I heard. who is devil ? you like singapore right ?  Just go. Enjoy'' mike said angrily looking at me.

'' Who told you that i like singapore ? '' i asked angrily.

'' I seen you last night, you are interested in singapore right ? I seen you working hard '' mike said in angry tone.

'' What ? I'm not interested in singapore, Last  night Ash called me and told me to research some places and details. That's all '' i said in angry tone.

'' what ? cockroach you are planning all this '' mike said in angrily.

" Yes " ash said raising her hand and smiled a little.

" Why did you researched all that trash ? " Mike asked me.

He is blaming me ? Ash told me to do.

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