Meeting with John

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I sat on the chair in my study room. Reading some files and doing my  work. Suddenly someone knocked my door.

''Come in'' i said and started  seeing the files.

'' sir, some one wants to meet you '' servant said i lifted my head.

'' Who is it ? '' i asked 

'' I don't know sir '' servant said.

''  let him in '' i said and stood from the chair. And i saw john is walking into my room.

This bastard. How dare he come to my house. Today i am going to kill him . I went directly to him and pulled his collar.

'' How dare to come to my house ? Get out  '' i shouted at him looking into his eyes.

'' Mike just once listen to me.... I will explain you '' john said.

''You don't need to explain. Get out  '' i shouted at him.

'' It's related to narin '' john said and removed my hands from his collar.

'' What is it ? '' i asked.

'' It is the first time meeting you but you probably don't know i work in your company '' john said looking at me.

'' i know you work at my company. I also know what you did on that day with narin '' i said to him.

''You know me. Then it is easy to introduce myself easily '' john said smiling at me.

'' You are standing here Still to tell something about narin just come to the main point'' i said looking at him angrily.

'' mike...  I just want to say what had you seen on that day is wrong. I and narin are just friends. It is true that i loved her. But she told me that she is already married and told me to let go of my feelings.  Now to me she is just a friend. I had heard from staff that max is died. And narin is in critical condition'' john said looking at me.

'' But..... on that day i seen both of you so close and hugging  each other '' i asked in confuse. 

'' Yes we hugged each other. But.... my mom died. she just helped me. There is nothing more than that. That day i don't know what happened to me and tried to kiss narin.  I am  sorry mike , i didn't mean it. Let me talk to narin. Let me apologize to her '' john said and small tears are in his eyes. I am shocked. I got seated on sofa. 

''I forced her. I don't deserve her '' i  whispered to myself.

'' I don't know what happened between you two but narin is a good girl. please be nice to her '' john said.

'' Let me  meet  narin, just once, please mike. I want to tell her that i am sorry '' john  requested me.

'' She is not in a state to listen to anybody. If you say sorry too she don't react to it '' i said and got up from sofa.

'' What do you mean ? she is not in normal state?'' john asked.

'' Come with me '' i said and he followed me to the narin's room. Narin sat on bed. 

'' Narin it's me. I'm am sorry. I misbehaved on that day '' john said taking her hand. But there is no reaction in her face.

'' What happened mike ? why isn't she responding?'' john asked looking at me.

'' Let's go outside '' i said and went outside. John followed me. 

'' why she is in this condition ? This is not the narin i know'' john asked in sad tone. 

'' Ever Since max died she is in the same condition. I took her to many doctors but no use '' i said and small tears are in my eyes.

'' Mike, right know she has to do is to cry. If she will remain like this it's dangerous. she want some one to comfort her'' john said in angry tone.

'' I know i tried many ways to let her cry but no use '' i said let my head down to hid my tears.

'' Mike think there should be something that makes narin to wake up like hurting, shocking '' john said and i about to think and suddenly my mind hit a idea. And hugged john.

'' Thank you john for giving me this idea '' i said and smiled to him.

'' you got some idea right ? What you want to do just do it but just bring our old narin back and i want to give you a advice for 5 months she is in the same house and same room just take her to some trip it will change her '' john said.

John said is right i should  take her to  trip it will feel better for her. 

'' Mike '' john tapped my shoulders i came out of my thoughts.

'' Yeah '' 

''  Take care of her. I'm leaving  '' john said. I nodded. John left. 

I went directly to  room and locked the door. 

Sorry narin this is the only way to make you speak and respond to my act. But i have to do this i am sorry i am really sorry. I slowly walked to bed and quickly  pulled her wrist and made her get up and pinned her to wall.  

come on !!!!! Mike you can do this, just do it to make narin respond.

 i started kissing her neck but not response. She is not even pushing me or crying. Now i am out of my mind and started kissing her neck hardly and i kissed her lips hardly. Till my breath lost. But no response from her. I pulled her waist tightly. I stopped doing and looked into her eyes. She is not even blinking her eyes. I lifted her and placed her on bed and i am top of her and started kissing her neck, lips,  shoulder, ears. But no response from her. Now i have to do more than this and started removing her buttons she just been like a dead body. I  am feeling like i am making love with a dead body. I suddenly got angry that she is not reacting.

'' NARIN, What happened ? why are you not reacting ? How can you sell your body to me ? Get up, react something narin ? Here i am touching your body ? Get up, slap me or kick me or scold me ? Do something ? respond to me ? If you are not going to respond i am going do more than this '' i shouted at her.

still there is no response not even tears in her eyes . I started to kiss her lower lip hardly and kissed her neck and bite  it and there is mark on her neck. I looked her face did she is responding  or not but no. Please narin respond to me i am not able to do this to you but you have to respond.

'' How can you tolerate this pain ?  it's paining right  ? then cry narin '' i said tears are in my eyes. I moved her dress off a little and started kissing her shoulder. And the place where i bite her i licked with my tongue. She is not even doing any sounds in pain.

I saw there are small tears rolling down her cheek.

I kissed her forehead and my tears are flowing down my cheek. i attached my head to her and wiped her tears with my thumb and got up from her and adjusted her top and removed the hair locks from her face and covered her with blanket. And i am not able to control my tears and ran to the balcony.

Why narin ? Why aren't you responding ?  When i bite on neck it's pains right ? why are you not responding ? In past  when i touched you cried and told me to leave but now why are you behaving in this way ?  i lean on  the wall. I saw my wedding ring on my finger and kissed the ring. I am  going to bring you back narin it's my promise to you.

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