Hiding the secret

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Mike point of view

I received the unknown number call. I picked up.

" Sir, it's aom. Can you please come to office right now ? Some gangster are making mess here. They are asking about our new project and destroying all the systems " Aom said in worried tone. I got shocked.

The office security is huge nobody can enter What happening ? I have to check.

The minute I reached office I got a message from aom.

"I am in your cabin"

I ran into my cabin only to find that the office is empty and there is no one.

What's happening ?

Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

" I know you will come " I heard a voice it's aom.

You.... I quickly removed her hands angrily and turned to her.

" What is this ? " I yelled.

" I want you mike. I fell in love with you " aom said smiling at me.

What nonsense she is speaking ? I'm about to go ignoring her she stopped me. I looked at her angrily.

" Move " I warned.

" No " She said placing her hand on my chest. I quickly removed it.


" Why did you married such a low class women ? " She said. I hold my fist tightly when she is speaking about aom badly. I want to hit her. Suddenly she touched my face.

I have to deal with this differently.

" Aom. Calm down " I said holding her hand.

" I know you love me. When do you stop this secret relationship ? " She said.

I pressed her hand tightly and pushed her.

" Behave yourself " I said angrily. She looked at me angrily and smirked.

" You don't have right to judge my wife understood ?  Who said I don't love her. I love her more than anyone in this world. " I said in angry tone pointing my finger to her.

" Mike don't say like that think about it " aom said coming closer to me.

" Don't you dare  come close to me. By the way you are fired. Get out " I screamed.

" Fired ? I had contract with your company you can't fire me " She said smiling at me. She is about to come closer to me.

" Don't come closer to me " I yelled.

" You are making things difficult Mike.  You don't know, if I want something I will get it. " Aom said

I walked out of the room angrily.

I can't able to control my anger. I will talk to client and I will fire her. I quickly made a call to John and told him to quickly make a appointment with client.

I realised that narin is alone in home. I have to take her to hospital. I got inside the car to reach home.

Narin point of view

I ran into the house and got on knees and started to cry.

Why ? Why ? Why did he do this to me ?

Why did I loved him ? Rahul left me now Mike... He cheated me.

I sat there letting out all my tears. Why my heart is paining so badly ?

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