His past

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I woke up when sun raise hit my face. I looked around. He is no where. I looked at my clothes. 

Thank god !!! He didn't do anything to me. 

 I got up and went to washroom. I fresh up. I started put my clothes inside my cupboard. 

My phone started ringing. I looked it's unknown number. Who is this ?

"hello " 

" Narin, is it you ? Thank god it's you. I have been trying to call you from past 1 week " I heard a male voice. 

" sorry, Who is this ? " I asked hesitantly. 

" Narin, It's john. We met in office " He said. 

Oh !!! yes. 

" Hello john. How are you ? " I asked. 

" leave all this. I seen you on TV. Whats happening ? You got married that too our CEO. " He asked in worried tone.

" I can't speak with you right now. How about we meet up at 10:00am today? I will send you the address. " I said. 

"ok. But.... " before he speak. I heard door sound. I quickly hung up the call. I seen max who ran to me. 

" Sis, I am here " max said  and i hugged him and kissed him all over the face.

" Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? " I asked. I thought mike did something to max. 

" No,  uncle gave me a car. This house is so big are we staying here sis ?" max asked  smiling at me before i  answer.

" Yes, This is our home you and your sister are staying here forever " mike said from behind coming towards us and lifted max in his arms and mike gave me a angry face.

" Max,  go and play down. I want to talk to your sis" mike said smiling at max and  put max on floor. Max nodded and  ran out of the room. 

" So, where are you going ? " mike asked coming closer to me. 

i have to meet john. I have to tell him it's all ok. If not he will be suspicious. 

" It's my wish. it's none of your business " I said and  pulled my purse and about to go he pulled my wrist and pushed me to the wall he tightly hold my both hands. 

''when i am asking something you have to give me the answer correctly and one more thing its my business because you are my wife. Now tell me where are you going ?'' mike asked me in a very angry tone  but not much angry face he usually keep and suddenly my wrist is started to pain 

'' its paining leave me '' i said in a pain and he let go of me. I don't  know suddenly his eyes turned into red.

'' you are going to meet rahul right ? The tattoo tells everything" mike asked in a angry voice. I turned to him.  My eyes widen in shock.

''what do you know about rahul ?'' i asked him. tears are rolling in my eyes he stood still without telling me answer.

 I went to him and pulled his collar angrily. 

'' TELL ME'' i asked him in angry tone. Tears ran down the cheeks he pulled my hands. He giggled. 

'' Don't act smart. I know everything about you. when i first time came to your house i saw the album of you two standing close to each other'' mike said  he  pulled  my shoulders angrily.

'' Tell me ,who is he ?  Did you two date? Did he kissed you ? Did you had sex with him ?or....'' mike said in a angry tone. 

I  decided  enough i can't let him tell about rahul anything  and i slapped him i don't where did i got courage and the  slap sounded loud in a  silence room and tears are in my eyes and i  started crying. mike didn't do anything he stood still and staring into my eyes and i  pointed my finger to him.

''Never and ever tell anything  trash about rahul understood. yes, you are right. He is my boyfriend but he never forced me  like you did. I  still love him and i will always love him. He is the only one in my heart . one last thing he died. Respect him '' i said wiping my tears i took my purse and about to open door and turned around. 

'' one more thing, rahul  never  forced me like you did last night '' i said wiping my tears went out of the room.I went down to see where is max i am concerned about him.I asked the Elena  she said he went to school in car. I relaxed and went out of the house.


I stood still and small tears are in my eyes. I went straight to the room which is closed always i opened it and closed the door from behind are removed my coat and keep it on near table and i loosen  my tie and rolled  my sleeve up to my elbow.

 The room  is dark so i put on the lights and saw the pictures on the wall of me and rahul. I took one picture in my hand  and touched the picture of rahul and sat on the chair and started crying silently and tears are dropping on the picture of rahul. 

'' why did you make such a promise with me ? what have you done to that silly girl ? why did you leave us ? she still have only you in her heart . she still believes only you....sorry.... rahul i can't kept your promise . I can't able to remove you from her heart i am sorry rahul. I am very sorry " i hugged the picture tightly and started to cry. 

That's the end of the chapter. Please do Like,Share, comment. 

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