The guest

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I saw a girl and a boy standing at the door. Looks like a  couple.  I broke the hug and wiped my tears. Mike turned around to see who it is.

" I am sorry we didn't mean to distrub you guys " The man said smiling at us.

He is just same age has mike. But... Looks a  little older.

" You guys are here " mike said smiling at them. Suddenly Mike pulled my waist.

" Meet my wife narin " mike said looking at them.

" Hello " They both said. I smiled.

" Narin, he is my Friend Justin and his wife Ellie " mike said looking at me.

" narin why did you married this jerk? He is always moody and boring guy " Justin said looking at me and smiling. I just gave a fake smile.

" Ellie " Mike said in a harsh tone. They smiled.

What kind of stupid mess is this ? I just had a nightmare of Rahul.

" Hi narin I am Justin mike childhood friend " Justin said smiling at me and gave me a hand shake. We  shook  hands.

" let's go out " Ellie said looking at me.

" Yes,  let's go.  we came to meet you guys. Let's spent together sometime" Justin said looking at his wife. I looked at mike.

" But...." Before i speak.

" let's go " mike said and looked at me.

" Mommy " I heard a voice. A  child came into the room holding a toy in his hand. I saw this child some where.

he is one who woke me up.

" Hey Ron my super man" mike said and lifted him in his arms.

I saw mike smiling happily seeing that kid.

" Is this your son ?" I asked them.

" Yes " Justin and Ellie said once. I smiled. Mike put Ron on ground.

" Ron be here and play we will be right back ok " Ellie said to Ron and he nodded. Mike called a maid.

" Take care of Ron we will be right back " maid nodded and took Ron outside.

" let's go " mike said and hold my hand.

We got into the car and reached the place.

It's a shopping mall.

" Why are we in shopping mall?" I asked mike.

" What do you mean why ?  we have to get clothes  " mike said looking at me.

" Come narin I will pick you some awesome clothes  " Ellie said and pulled my hand. I followed her.

After a long time of shopping she picked a beautiful dress. And we came out of the shop and reached a club.

I pulled mike wrist tightly.

" Hey narin it's just a club not a prostitution place. Why are you scared ? " mike said and smiled at me. I still felt uneasy.

we went inside it's a high class pub most people are drinking and dancing. We sat on the sofa and Justin and Ellie went to dance.

" What you like to drink ? " Mike asked looking at the menu card.

" Juice " I said.

" What ? Juice ? What kind of a girl are you who drinks juice at this place. I will order a red wine " mike said looking at me.

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