Her Condition

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I came out of the room and locked it. I saw a servant coming outside from the narin room and there is a food plate in her hand. I went to her and opened the food and i saw all food are still same as it is.

" Sir, I tried to feed her but mam refused" servant said and i took the plate.

" you can go " I said and she went off. Narin is doing the same thing again neglecting her food. I went inside the room and saw narin sat on the bed. And she is in her thoughts.

" Narin " I said and went to her and placed the plate on table.

" Come let's eat" I said she as no expression in her face. And i took the plate and went to her and sat at the edge of the bed.

" Now open your mouth " I said and placed the spoon to her mouth. She turned her face.

" Narin, you had not eaten anything from morning. If you don't eat anything how are you going to live ? " I asked and placed the plate aside.

" Just eat " I said and took the spoon on food and placed in front of her mouth. She turned her face again.

" Narin I am warning you. Are you going to eat or not ?  " I said in a angry tone looking at her. I am now out of control and pressed her jaw and opened her mouth and placed spoon in her mouth. She is about to split out. I stopped.

" NARIN !!" I yelled. She swallowed.

" Now another spoon " I said and continue to place the spoon of food in her mouth. Suddenly tears appeared in her eyes.

"Narin. Please, Don't cry.
I am doing this for your sake  " I said and wiped her tears with my thumb. It's still the same she only as tears in her eyes but no reaction in her face. And after I completed feeding her. I placed the glass of water to her mouth and she sipped it.

And I about to get up. I heard a voice.

"Ah......Ah...." Narin whispered she hold her stomach tightly with her both hands.

" Where are your medicines ? " I asked. She just whispering in pain.

" Elena " I shouted loudly. She quickly came into the room.

" Did you not gave her medicines ? " I shouted at her.

" Sir...I tried but mam refused to take " servant said and I gave her a signal to go she went off closing the door.

I saw narin still in her pain by placing her hand on stomach.

" Narin, Are you crazy ?  why are not taking your medicines ? " I said and placed the tablet in her mouth and placed glass of water in her mouth and she took a sip. I sat beside her.

No expression. No feelings. She just looks like a dead body.

" Narin max is died please accept it " I said tears are rolling in my eyes. I made her look at me.

" Narin, react something or just slap me or just cry or just talk. Do something. Why are you silent ?  I can't see you like this ? " I said and put my hands on her shoulders tightly still there is no reaction. I am trying like this for 5 months but no use.

I made her sleep and placed blanket on her. In a second I can't able to see her face.Tears are rolling in my eyes.

I   walked to the balcony and tighten my fist in anger and hit  the wall hardly.

Why narin ? why are you not reacting with anything ? Where is your laugh that I always seen on your face ? I can't tolerate this any more. I can't see you like this. I have do something.

I have to talk to doctor. And pulled the phone from my pocket and dialed  my family doctor.

" Doctor, this is mike" I said in a low tone. And placed my another  hand on forehead.

" Hi mike after a long time. How is narin ?  Did she improved her health? " James asked.

" Doctor James that...... It's still the same if you don't mind can you come to home tomorrow and check narin" I said in a low tone.

" Fine mike. I will come tomorrow morning. You don't need to worry mike we will try our best to bring her back" doctor said.

" Thank you D.R James " I said. I hung up the call.


At morning I woke up and saw her still sleeping peacefully I placed a kiss on her temple. I went directly to washroom and I dressed in a normal daily routine. I went to narin.

" Narin get up " I said and tapped her shoulder.

" Hmm"

" Fresh up " I said and her face is the same no expression.

" Elena " I called.

" Help her  " I said and looked at narin she is just placed her head down.

" Just fresh up and after that I will feed you breakfast ok" I said and lifted her face with my hand and placed her hair locks behind her ear. And went outside.

After some time servant came out of the room. I went inside and Elena brought breakfast and I feed her.

" Sir doctor is here " Elena said and I nodded and doctor came into the room.

" Hello mike " doctor greeted me and came and sat beside narin and checked her.

" D.R James how is narin? " I asked.

" Mike, I want to talk to you personally please come out " doctor said I went outside with him.

" narin is okay right ?  it's not dangerous " I said looking at doctor.

" Mike of course it is dangerous. She is still in a view that max not died and she just stood in the same place before 5 months has happened. She has to cry mike and at let her pains out if she will behave like this i think she will go to comma or in depression " doctor said and got shocked I can't able to understand for a second.

" Thank you doctor I will take care of her " I said and shake his hands. He nodded and went off.

I went inside the room and narin sat in the bed. I went to her and sat beside her and hugged her and small tears are in my eyes.

From today onwards I will make all my effort to make you react. You have to react something and cry narin this is the only way to bring you as my old narin.

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