A Storm

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As i got call i reached office. All staff are looking at T.V 

I got shocked to see the news. Then john came running to me.

'' Mike cool down i think there is some misunderstanding '' john said looking at me.

'' MEET ME  IN MY CABIN RIGHT NOW ''I screamed at john.

All staff members got shocked and John followed me.

'' WHAT IS THIS HECK ? '' I shouted at john. I gave a punch on the wall. And not able to control my anger.

'' I don't know mike how this project skipped from our hands. We done so much for this project but...... '' John said looking at me. And trying to explain me. But my anger is out of control.

'' But what ?  What are going to say now ?  Reporters will be messing with us. Where is the project director? I want to meet her right now '' I screamed.

I sat on chair and not able to control my anger any more. I tried so hard to get this project.But how this is skipped from my hands. I have worked with many projects but i never missed any projects. Suddenly aom came into my cabin. I got up from chair.

'' What is this ? ever since i appointed you as the  director I told you to take care of this project right ? '' I shouted at aom. She as no fear in her face. She came closer to me. And placed her hands on my cheek.

'' Just tell me once that you love me. I will make all clear in a second.'' Aom said smiling at me. I removed her hands on my cheek.

'' JUST SHUT UP '' i shouted at her angrily.

'' Shouting won't change any thing mike. ''

''  I'm married get that into your head'' i shouted at her.

''Hey, why do you love her so much ? She is not even beautiful as me. She not even as great body as me. Then why do you love her so much ? '' aom asked looking at me.

''If you utter a word about my wife. I will make sure you see the hell''

She chuckled.

'' Accept me mike. I will make you more happy than that bitch '' Aom tried to come closure to me.

I angrily hit the chair beside her. Aom shivered.

'' Next will be your face "

She sighed angrily and turned and walked out of the room.

Where John walked into the room.

'' Mike what we should do now ? ''

'' Cancel that project. I don't want it '' I said angrily. 

'' But mike we will loss so much money we have invested ''

'' I don't care ''


It's already mid night. Why mike till not reached home ? Is he busy at work ?

I switched on the T.V.  I pressed random channels suddenly i heard about the mike news. That the project he is going to work. Is ruined. It is said that it is first time in mike's career to not win a project. I got shocked to see the news. Suddenly my phone begin to ring. It's unknown number.

'' who is this ? '' i said in a low tone.

'' So.... did you watch the news ? How is it ? did you like it ? '' A girl spoke on other side. It's aom.

'' you are the one who did  this ? i already told you right that i will leave mike. Then why are doing this again ? '' i said her angrily. Tears rolled in my eyes.

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