Trip- 3

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Narin point of view

I felt some one placed my hand on my cheek. I rubbed my eyes. I seen mike. 

" Narin " I got up. 

" Sorry, I felt asleep  " I said by removing my hair locks from my face.

"  let's get ready. We are going out " mike said smiling at me.

"   Where ? Aren't we going to our home ?" I asked. 

" I want to take you somewhere " mike said and I just nodded my head. And went directly to washroom.

After a hour  we reached a place.

" Mike, what is this place ? " I asked looking around. 

" Amusement park " mike said smiling at me and hold my hands tightly. 

That's all i started to sweat. My eyes widen. I didn't take a step further. Mike looked at me. 

Amusement park is the only place where max got into the accident. The noises, The screaming. I started to feel dizzy.

" Narin....Narin "Mike called. I looked at him. He hold my face in his hands. 

" I know. I know what you're  feeling right now. But, you have to overcome this. Face the fear " Mike said. Suddenly i can't able to breath. Panic started in me. Suddenly my stomach started to pain. 

" Mike, I want to use washroom " I said.

"  ok " mike said. And took me to wash room.

" I will be here you go inside " mike said and I gave him my purse and went inside. Finally there is no one in the washroom.

I clucked my stomach with my both hands tightly and small tears are rolling down the cheek.
I can't able to control my pain.

" Ah.... Ah.... " I shouted loudly.

And sat down and clucked the tap tightly to control my pain.

suddenly a girl came inside the washroom.

'' Miss are you okay? '' girl said and came to me .

'' Miss, is the one outside is your husband? '' girl asked looking at me.

'' hmm... But please don't call him ''i said and clucked my stomach with my hands.

'' Miss but.... '' girl spoke in half and went outside.

 I saw suddenly mike ran into the room. He got down on knees and placed my head on his chest.

" NARIN " mike shouted  looking at my stomach. 

" Are you okay ? Is it paining again ?  " Mike asked looking into my eyes.

" Ah..... Ah...." I shouted in pain. And he pulled out his phone from his pocket.

"Call the ambulance right now " mike shouted on phone and hung up  his phone.

" Don't panic. I am here ok " mike said hugging me. And lifted me In his arms and took me outside the park. And put me in the car. He got on knees. 

"Narin just a few minutes. The ambulance will be here  " mike  said and i  pulled his hands tightly. Like I am going to remove his flesh.

" Ah...... Ah..... Ah...." I shouted it's paining more than I expected.

" Shh......I am here " mike said and placed his hands on my stomach. I pulled his hands to my stomach closely.

'' Mike.... no  am-bulance  please '' i said breaking the words.

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