An Accident

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We reached hospital.

 Max is bleeding. We quickly ran into the hospital. 

'' Where is the doctor ?'' i shouted loudly at the staff. 

'' He is on his way. place him  on this bed '' nurse said pointing to the wheel bed.

'' Are you serious? I informed  half an hour back to make all arrangements '' i yelled at the nurse. Suddenly all staff ran to me.

'' We are sorry sir, She don't know you are the owner of this hospital. She is new here. please come'' the manager told me. I ran to the operation room. Narin is beside me looking at max and tears are in her eyes and her shirt is all blood.

Doctor ran to us. I placed max on bed. 

''My god !!! He is bleeding. Take him to the operation room '' Doctor said to nurse and they are about to push the bed. Narin hold the max hands tightly. 

'' Narin... '' Before i speak. 

'' NO, Max will be scared. I will be with him '' Narin said holding his hand tightly and tears are rolling in her eyes.

It is already been late. I have to do something . I separated max hands from narin and they took max  to the operation room. Narin about to go. I hold her hand,

'' I have to go, he will be scared '' narin whispered and about to go i pulled her to me.

'' Leave me,max will be scared '' narin said and suddenly she started to behave strange. she is shivering and her hands are cold and she is not in her sense. 

'' Hey, narin listen to me. First listen to me '' i said and make her  sit and i kneel down and hold her both hands.

'' Max, will be okay, Trust me, Doctors went to see him right ? he will be fine calm down '' i said and till she is murmuring to herself.

''No.... I have to go, He will be okay, He can't leave me alone like this '' she said breaking her words are still her body is shivering . 

If i leave her like this she will be out of control.

'' Narin, listen to me.... '' Before i speak she got up and started walking  placing her hand on her head.. I seen her hand is shaking.

''Narin '' i called her and got up. 

'' NARIN '' i called her loudly. 

No response. 

  stop i can't see her like this. I went to her and pulled her shoulders to me and her head is down. 

'' Come to your sense narin. See yourself how are you shivering. come sit first''i said and suddenly she started crying loudly. I can't see her crying. And pulled her to my chest and hugged her tightly. she clenched my shirt and started crying loudly. I tapped her hair.

'' It will be okay, please don't cry '' i said and removed the hug  and offered to drink water.

'' Drink some water '' i said and she refused to drink and turned her face to other side. Tears are in her eyes.

'' You have to be strong  when you see max right  ?  Drink some water '' i said and she looked into my eyes and took the glass and sipped some water. I sat beside her and after some few minutes she placed her head on my shoulders . I saw her dull face and tears on her cheek and i placed a kiss on her forehead. 

'' It will be okay '' i said suddenly doctors came out of the room and there faces are sad and all heads are down. Hearing there voices narin got up and looked at them . 

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