Un Forgettable Day

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Narin point of view

I woke up only to find my right side empty.

I started to remember the words which I said to Mike last night.

I asked him for divorce. I know he is angry with me.

But where is he ? I hurt him so much.

I'm monster tear rolled down my cheek.

I slowly got up and freshed. I stood in front of mirror with wet hair placing my hand on my belly.

I'm so sorry baby for making this decision your father will take care of you better than me.

I got out and walked towards kitchen only to see Mike cooking.

He looks handsome always while cooking. He wore pure white shirt and his sleeves are  folded up to elbow and his hair is styled in proper.

He suddenly looked at me. I blinked my eyes and looked everywhere but him.

" Got up ? " Mike asked while taking the dishes to dining table.

Is he not angry from what I said last night ?

" Let's eat "

I walked and got seated.

We both were silent and while Mike having the breakfast without even looking at me.

Should I ask him about last night?

He already looks sad.

" Why aren't you eating ? "

I quickly blinked my eyes and found that I'm staring at him from past 3 minutes.

I seen Mike started to serve me.

" You should have healthy food " Mike said.

Don't he hate me from what I said Last night ? Why isn't he saying anything ?

I should ask him.

" Mike... " Before I say.

" Narin, if it's about last night let's give that topic a break " Mike said a little angrily and he got up and walked off.

A tear rolled down my cheek. He hates me now. Ofcourse from what I said last night I deserve this thing.


I seen Mike watching TV

Why he is not leaving to work today ?

I walked to him and sat beside him.

" Had medicines ? " Mike asked switching his eyes on TV.

" Not yet "

Mike got up and pulled out my medicine box. He got on knees in front of me and pulled out the pills and gave it in my hand.

He pour me a glass of water and Handed it over to me. He is not even looking at me.

I silently look the pill.

Mike got seated and swifted his eyes on TV again.

I never seen him ignoring me.

I don't know why it's hurting me.

I just sat beside him watching the TV I don't know when but I left asleep.

The moment I open my eyes I quickly seen myself on sofa and blanket is on me i didn't seen Mike beside me and the tv is off.

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