Emily 3.

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Weeks went on and I needed to find a job, anything to keep me going, I couldn't bear being home alone and thinking about the past, so many things go off in my head. I had also wanted company, an animal maybe. A Cat? I really loved cats, kittens were so cute, my mum had promised to buy me one for my 12th birthday, but that ended in tears.

I grabbed my coat and went out, putting my head down as I passed the group of boys who sat on the stairs at the bottom, I walked out and walked round the small alley way and came to a pets store owned by Joe this old man who loved the animal shop. I often helped his wife out with her shopping after late hours.

?Hello Emily-Rose!? He smiled as he saw me enter.

?Hello Joe, how are you?? I gave a genuine smile back, now standing opposite him at the counter.

?Very well thank you, how are you?? I nodded and smiled, showing I was fairly ok.

?Anything I can do for you??

?Kittens!? I said excitedly. He smiled.

?We have a new one who joined us last night, girl, very adorable, let me just get her from the back!? I smiled and agreed. I waited patiently as he brought the age through and I saw a grey kitten sitting inside with the most amazing eyes, I loved their eyes.

?Here she is. I haven't named her!?

?I love her.? I smiled looking at her, as she looked at me. He opened the cage and brought her out and places her in my arms.

?She likes you!? He smiled.

?Yes of course, I'll take her!? I said determined.

?Quite keen aye?? He chuckled. I smiled. ?I'll give her to you for 20!? I looked at him quickly.

?Joe it says 45 pound on here!? I pointed at the cage.

?I know, but I know why I say this, so you can take her!? He smiled showing me his full set of teeth.

?Okay!? I got out my small purse and handed him over the 20. He got everything ready, and I managed to walk home with her quickly, as it was cold. I got in and closed and locked my door, and made sure. I took her in to the living room and got her out her cage, she already loved me and I loved her, I smiled genuinely at her.

?Pearl, it's your eyes!? I said staring at her. She was adorable. Mum would have loved her. She loved cats, all types in fact! I gave Pearl some food and let her sleep. I went on-line and searched for a job I could do. Luckily one was running in town, a office job as a receptionist, it was offered to me by the agency, I had time, well a few hours I was staring tomorrow. My eyes widened and I adjusted my glasses just to make sure. I gulped and prayed I'd be able to do this well. I needed to look well presented for the day. I sighed and looked at myself, I hated what I saw. It was horrible. My hair was in constant plaits because I hated seeing my real hair, it made me look so much like my mum. I touched it and closed my eyes. I needed change, I walked around the house fiddling with it, and started removing it. I sat in front of the bathroom mirror with the phone in my hand and called Solange.

?BEBEEEE!? She screamed. ?Kieon get the fuck off, Sam you best get your nasty friend off me!? I heard.

?Erm Sol!?


?I am not a slave!? I screwed. She laughed and calmed down.

?Can you come over?? I said getting straight to the point.

?Mmm are you sure you hardly ever want me there what's up??

?I do!! I just like being alone! Well I just got a reply from the agency they placed me in an office for tomorrow, you need to do my hair, please!? I said quietly. She was quiet for a few minutes.

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