Emily 79.

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Denzel paced up and down the hospital room, my eyes were filled with tears and he had threw the doctors out and was just trying to calm himself down, I watched him and continued to cry.

"I'm gonna deal with this myself. After I kill the bitch, I'm getting a restraining order, I don't care! Fucking stupid bitch!" He said looking at me. I wiped my eyes, I couldn't even move, I was told to remain on the bed, and was to be examined over the next few days.

"If they had hurt my child, I swear Em, I could go back inside for murder." He said coming close to me and sitting on the bed. I sniffed and he wiped my eyes, and rubbed my stomach.

Luckily I was rushed to hospital on time, if I had wasted just over five minutes, I think I would of lost it, and damaged my back.

"It's okay D." He sighed and nodded and we hugged and it calmed him down.

"I just want us to be happy."

"Me too, I want to be with just you," I sighed deeply. He laid his lips on mine and we kissed for quite some time and I rubbed his back gently and He relaxed himself.

I was left in hospital whilst he went to pick Nicole from Aunty Shy's house, they were a bit in shock, after seeing an ambulance and me in pain, his mum came in and looked more than furious.

"My grandchild, and those stupid fools want to take that away, I swear if someone doesn't stab them, I'll do it. I want lawyers involved in this situation. They had no right! No right!" She said. I watched her quietly and she sat next to me and held my hand.

"I called my pastor." Oh no! I need to get out of this!

"Oh really?" I smiled.

"Yes, he's on holiday, the stupid man! When his church needs him the most, he jets off to Holland, bloody fool, I bet that's my offering to God he's using." She started muttering stuff and shouted for Denzel and walked out.

"What kind of family have I got myself involved with." I said to myself quietly. Shamara walked in and gasped and got emotional, sitting down.

"This happened to me! It was so bad, unfortunately nothing happened!" My eyes widened.

"It was when I was 15. I just had to get an abortion, if Denzel and mum found out, I'd be fucked!" She whispered.


"Right it was this boy in my school called R-"

"Right! I got to go babe, I'll come see you in the morning." Denzel interrupted, I looked at Shamara and she got up and left the room, Denzel came and sat next to me and touched my stomach.

"It's okay D, bubba's okay. Strong child." I smiled, he smiled and sighed.

"Takes after me man."

"Whatever." I said, he kissed me gently.

"I'll come back tomorrow." I nodded and he got up and left. The nurse came in and gave me a tablet and adjusted things for me.

"You think I'm gonna be okay?" I asked.

"You'll be fine, you're lucky it wasn't a hard floor and you quickly had a reflex to react to the fall." She smiled. I sighed and nodded.

"The father's quite..." She scratched her head and shook her head. I smiled thinking about him.

"I know." She nodded and it was quiet.

"He cares a lot, his mother however. She sat me down and told me about a pastor that went away with someone's money? Well I don't know, but their really angry." I laughed.

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