Chapter 1

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(Her look ^^^ You can choose which pair of glasses she wears)


The busy streets of New York were never new to Penelope Jones, a 22 year old assistant for Chief Rebecca Vincent a detective for the NYPD. One of the things Chief Vincent asked for was a certain layette and the only placed that sold that certain drink was at least three blocks away from the building they worked at. Pennie raced down the sidewalk, trying not to bump into people, but was in a hurry. Her boss was going to be there in two minutes, and she still had two blocks to go. She had to make it their before her boss did.

Pennie tried not to spill Chief Vincent's coffee and tried not to fall, but that was hard when so many people crowded around you to get to their destinations. Pennie smiled as she saw the building she worked at and rushed through the door, quickly walking towards the elevator. She squeezed herself in, since their was other people in the elevator as well. As she waited to get to the top floor, she kept her eyes on the coffee, her shyness kicking in.

Her head quickly snapped up when she heard the ding from the elevator, indication she was on the top floor. She quickly walked out, walking by more people, who were basically her co-workers. She quickly walked up to her cubicle and set down her bag, as well as her own coffee she got for herself. She sat down the stack of folders in her hands and then rushed towards her bosses office, said boss's coffee in hand.

Pennie walked up to her boss's door and knocked on it, knowing she was already late. She waited patiently for an answer, but jumped lightly when the door opened just a creek. From the inside Chief Vincent peeked outside, to see who it was. When she saw it was her assistant, she sighed and rolled her eyes.

"What is it Pepper?"

Before Pennie answered she muttered "It's Pennie...", Then Pennie cleared her throat "Um your coffee ma'am."

Chief Vincent took the coffee out of Pennie's hand and gave out an order "Stay here for a minute. Do not move."

Pennie nodded, but again jumped when her boss slammed the door shut in her face. Pennie placed her hands in front of her, holding them together and slightly rocked back and forth. After a few minutes, the door open again, and once more Chief Vincent peeked through. Pennie let out a yelp when her boss grabbed her by the arm and was yanked in Chief Vincent's office. Pennie jumped again when her boss slammed the door shut and locked it, Pennie turned to looked at her boss confused, but froze immediately.

"Now Pepper."

Penelope muttered again, "Pennie..." But her eyes were just trained on the four being's standing before her.

"Whatever. What you see and hear in this building, stay's in this building. Do you understand?"

Pennie nodded slowly, looking at these four massive turtles. She looked at each one of them, and noticed each was wearing a different colored bandana around their face. One had a red mask and the most intimidation one out of the group, he had the large muscles and that glare was burning through her. Then she looked at the next one who wore a purple bandana with nerd glasses, now he was the most lean one out of them all, but he did still have muscles. Her eyes trained over to another turtle which wore and orange bandana, this one seemed more calmed and he had such a huge smile on his face, which was clearly contagious because Pennie almost smiled back.

Now the last turtle, who captivated her the most. He wore a blue bandana that made his piercing blue eyes pop. He indeed had the muscles, but not as big as the red ones, but still quite large for her liking. He stood so tall and he seemed so confident, but it seemed to make her coward back and try to hide. As she stared at him the longest, the snap of two finger made her come out of her daze.

"Pepper! Did you finish them or not?" Chief Vincent asked, rather impatiently and walked over to her desk.

Pennie jumped and let the 'Pepper' name go, turning towards her boss "I am sorry ma'am, and if you are referring to the paper work you gave me. Ye I did finish them."

Her boss nodded "Good, because you have more."

Pennie nodded and lifted her glasses up on her face with her one of her pointer fingers. She watched as her boss looked through some files, but she felt those four sets of eyes on her, like they just burning through her whole body.

"Dudes she is totally hot..."

She heard one of them say and she shifted uncomfortably, then winced as she heard loud smack and an 'ow'. She cleared her throat again as her boss gave her a stack of papers.

"Finish these and bring to me by morning. Those papers you finished yesterday, set them by the door, I will grab them."

Pennie nodded and watched as her boss stood up and walked towards the door, Pennie turned around slowly, using her free arm to lift up her glasses again with a pointer finger. She tried no to make eye contact with the turtles, especially the blue one, but she couldn't help it. They were just so interesting to her and as her eyes trailed to the blue one, she snapped her head forwards and walked out quickly, but not before she gave the turtle a small nod.

She heard the sound of her boss's office door slam shut and the light click meant the door was locked. She let out a long sigh, walking towards her cubicle and sat at her desk. She slouched in her chair, looking at her desk, but her mind was some place else. She did just see four giant turtles a minute ago and didn't even know their purpose their, that made her want to know more about them. She also wanted to know how that came to be what they are now, which made her more curious. She quickly sat up in her chair and started looking over the paper work she had to do, but jumped when a voice broke through her thoughts.

"Hey Pen. How's it going?"

Pennie smiled and looked to the next cubicle, seeing her great friend their smiling back at her. Pennie let out a sigh and shook her head lightly.

"Hey Finn. Had quite a hectic morning, but so far just doing paper work right now."

Finn smiled at her "Same her honey, same here."

Pennie smiled and Finn looked down at his desk, then Finn perked up "Hey, Hun. Did you here about that cute officer? I am sure he is gay!"

Pennie rolled her eyes, but smiled. Pennie remembered when Finn first came out to her, telling her he was gay. Pennie and Finn were friends since college, and have stuck together since them.

"Pen can you ask him for me?" Finn said with a pleaded look on his face.

Pennie let out a sigh "I don't know Finn... Last time I tried on one of the guys you had a crush on I ran away."

Finn rolled his eyes "You really need to get over your shyness."

Pennis huffed, but kept her smile on "Hey! I can't help it!"

Finn only giggled and shook his head, looking down at his computer "Whatever you say Pen, whatever you say."

Pennie smiled and looked back down at her desk, as she got to work, Finn doing the same. As five hours went by, it was now time for lunch. Today was some-what a lucky day for Pennie because she did not have to go get her boss lunch. Pennie smiled and pulled out her work bag, pulling out her lunch, deciding it would be best to work and eat at the same time. That is until Finn cut in.

"No, No! We are eating in the lunch room. No one ever goes in their and plus we might see those cute turtles." Finn said, but whispered the last part.

Pennie looked at himw ith slight wide eyes "You know about them?"

Finn smirked "Hun I knew about them when they first started working with us. Now let's go, I gotta heat up my food and I starving."

Finn grabbed Pennie's arm pulling her away from her desk, which made her quickly grab her lunch and a folder of paper work she was almost done with. Then they were both of to the lunch room and just as Finn expected no one was in their, but they were soon going to have visitors, don't you worry.


Sorry for any errors!!

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