Chapter 3

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Pennie quickly walked to her desk, while Finn hurriedly followed her with the folder of paper work Pennie left behind.

"I can't believe you just did that!"

Pennie said, sitting at her desk, her head falling onto the stack of paper work she still had. Finn only smiled and placed the folder of paper work in his hands on Pennie's desk.

"Your welcome."

Finn went over and sat on his desk, with that same stinking smirk on his face. Pennie sighed and took her her head away from her desk, playfully glaring at Finn, who only smiled wide as he typed on his computer. Pennie rolled her eyes and began doing paper work again, which took nine hours to finish. By the time Pennie looked up she saw Finn cleaning up his desk and getting ready to head home.

"Go home Pennie." Was all he said and gave her a caring smile, then walked off saying good-bye.

Pennie smiled and said good-bye as well, but looked back down at her desk, then worked for 30 more minutes till she looked at the time.

"9:30..." Pennie muttered to herself.

Pennie sighed and stood up, grabbing her back and packing it with some folders of paper work that needed to be check over. Once that was done, Pennie turned off her computer, then headed out.

She gave a curt nod to the security officer as a good-bye and was finally out of the building. She breathed in the, some-what, fresh air. She looked around to see a couple pedestrians walking about, but not as many as she thought. She sighed and started making her way home by walking to the subway.

The quick walk to the subway was easy and she got in her subway train easily, getting a seat in the corner, and by her was elderly women and some teenagers. The subway was just a quick 27 minutes then it stopped. She got off and started to walk the rest of the way home, which was a good 4 blocks away.

As she quietly and quickly walked along the sidewalk, noticing she was alone as the only light that kept her free from the dark was the street lights. She walked alone and no one, not even homeless people were near. It did take an hour for Pennie to get to work and for her to get back home.

So she did this every night, but for some reason, this night felt different. As she walked, she felt like she heard foot steps behind her, and that's when the panic set in. She stopped abruptly and quickly turned around, but saw no one. She let out a sigh.

"Your just being paranoid Pennie. Your almost home..." she muttered to herself.

She began to walk again and as a minute passed she heard the same foot steps behind her. Pennie gulped and walked a little faster, till she heard what sounded like a trash can falling the screeching meow of a cat. She let out a light yelp and turned around again, but saw nothing. She stood their for a moment to see if anyone was going to pop out, which she hope that wouldn't happen.

What she didn't notice was a shadow looming next to her in the dark, in the shadow's. When nothing happened Pennie let out another sigh and turned around, but quickly bumped into something making her let out a loud yelp this time. Her eyes widened as a hand covered her mouth and arm wrapped around her.

"Sssshhhh, sssshhh. Now, now. Listen little lady, I ain't gonna hurt ya' if you do what I want."

Pennie started to feel her fear now set in, and tears pricked the corner of her eyes. She felt her self moving and felt her back touch a cold brick wall. The light that shown through made her get a good look at who had her. He was a man older than her, had gray hair, and he reeked of alcohol.

Pennie let out a muffled sob, and closed her eyes when he caressed her face.

"Don't cry sweetheart. Just do as I say and no one gets hurt. Alright?"

Pennie didn't answer or nod, she just let her tears fall, and was to scared to fight back. Shen then jumped when she felt the man touch her stomach and trail it's way down. When she jumped the man held her against the wall tighter.

"No. Do Not Move. Or I won't be a nice guy no more."

Pennie froze in fear of what he might do and that made the man chuckled.

"Good girl..."

Pennie snapped her eyes shut, feeling his breath on her neck, and felt his hands on the waist band of her pants. Pennie jumped again, when she felt the man being yanked off her quickly. Pennie let out a sob and fell to the ground, then quickly looked up to the man who had almost raped her, on the ground and unconscious.

Pennie sniffles and slowly stood up, using the wall for help. She looked around slowly, to see if she saw anyone else, but saw no one. She looked back at unconscious man, then looked to her left seeing her bag on the ground with her stuff that had fallen out. She sniffles again and quickly walked over to her bag, then hurriedly shoved her things inside it. Pennie looked out to see if she could still
see anyone, and again saw no one. She sighed, but then had an idea in her head.

She reach in her bag and grabbed a sticky note and pen, writing;

Thank you for saving me, Pennie

After she wrote that down on the sticky note, she looked around to see where she could place it. One the side of the wall she saw a small metal trash can and stuck the note their. Pennie jumped when the unconscious man groaned, but did not wake up. She quickly looked around one last time, afterwards she quickly left, thanking god her apartment was now just a block away.

Making her way home, she quickly went inside her apartment, getting ready for bed. That is until she forgot she had paper work. She let out a groan and sat at her small kitchen table and finished said paper work, but soon feel asleep in a position where her head laid on the kitchen table. Her arms flared out on the table with a pen in one of her hands.

Meanwhile, back at the alleyway, the unconscious man woke up with a groan and felt a pain in his head. He stood up slowly, not remembering what happened. He looked around and then started walking away, probably heading off home or to another late night open bar.

Once the man left, a figure jumped down from the roof and into the alley way. It walked over to the trash can that had the note on it. It's piercing blue eyes read over the note and smiled,  then folding the note in it's hand, keeping it. Then the figure left with a smile on it's face.


Sorry for the errors!!

Guess in the comments who Pennie's savior was. You all probably have a good guess, but I still wanna hear from you guys and gals!!

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