Chapter 20

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(In this chapter it will mostly be Finn and Leo. So I won't post an outfit for Pennie in this one!)


Leo was upset Pennie didn't come to work today, calling the day off. His mind has been on her ever since they had that fight, or tiny argument, on other words. Leo replayed the hurt look on her face and it broke his heart, every damn time. Leo was in the lunch room alone, sitting down at the both were Pennie usually sits.

He had his head in hands as he kept thinking about Pennie, wanting to say sorry and hold her forever. He knew what he said was not his place to say at all, but he cared about her... So much that if he ever saw her hurt, he wouldn't be able to live with himself.

Every time he laid eyes on Pennie, his day seemed a little brighter. Every time he saw her cute smile, he felt like he can take on the world. Gosh when he heard her laugh, he felt his heart pounding faster, his head spinning.

She was just so... Breath taking, gorgeous, beautiful, amazing, loving, caring, incredible... Perfect. She was just so amazingly perfect. And every time he saw her or even smelled her scent, he wanted her. He just wanted her in any way he could have her.

Leo's though alway involved Pennie and when they involved Pennie just a little bit, somehow she just took over his mind. Leo could picture Pennie in his arms, he holding her, and her holding him. They graced each other presence.

Till now, Leo thinks about what it would be like to call Pennie his. And every time he did think about it, he smiled widely. Like right now. He smile so widely, but soon a voice startled him from his thoughts.

Leo looked over to see a not so happy Finn. Leo gulped and watched as Finn walked over and sat on the opposite booth.

"What the hell did you do?" Finn asked, demanding an answer.

Leo only looked down at the table, with a frown on his face "Something real stupid."

Finn sighed in annoyance "Yea no shit Sherlock. Now tell me what the hell did you do to make Pennie so pissed?"

Leo rubbed his face with his hand "I... I told her that joining our team was not a good idea..."

Finn glared at him "Ok. Why the hell did you do that?"

Leo let out a sigh "Because! I-I.... I don't want to see her get hurt. I would never be able to live with myself if she got hurt or worse..."

This time Finn's stern look, softened just a touch and he looked at Leo with curiosity.

"There is something else..."

Leo looked up at Finn and spilled "I... I like Pennie a lot....

Finn rolled his eyes with a smirk on his face "Shocker."

Leo sighed "Will you just listen! My mind had just been clouded by Pennie! Her smile, her laugh, hell even that glint in her eyes when she gets really happy! It's all in my mind and when she looked at me... With that look of hurt... Holy shit it broke me.., I feel like my heart broke into pieces right there and I wish it did, because now when I reply her hurt look in my mind, my heart literally aches... It hurt... It makes my stomach turn and I feel like I am going g to get sick..."

Finn stared at Leo in disbelief, but the.ln he smiled.

"Tell her..."

Leo looked at him confused "What?"

Finn chuckled "Tell her what you just told me... Every single word you say to her, she will remember and cherish. I know that because that is how Pennie is... I also know she is fighting her emotions right now."

Leo was now curious "What do you mean by that?"

Finn looked down at the table for a moment, till e raised his head with a serious look on his face.

"This is not my place to tell you, but you need to understand. Two years ago.. Pennie was in a relationship, one year she and her ex were together. His name was David and being honest, to Pennie he was perfect to her: David had the looks, he was kind, polite, everything a girl wanted. Then... Then his true colors started to show... Leo David hurt Pennie emotionally and physically..."

Leo listened closely, his eyes closing as Finn continued.

"Pennie couldn't get away because he was great at apologizing, so she would just run back, expecting everything to be ok. It wasn't, because he kept hurting her. He... He even raped her Leo..."

Leo's eyes snapped open looking at Finn in shock, who only finished.

"David took away Pennie's virginity, her confidence in herself, too away her pride, he took everything and just broke it. Making Pennie break all together. I remember the night like it was yesterday. I heard a loud knock on my door and I quickly opened it to see Pennie... She was bruised, her nose bleeding, she had a black eyes. She just looked awful... That's when I finally told her straight up she was an idiot, an idiot to keep running back to him. I guess she took those words in, because she left him. She was free and I finally saw... Happiness in her eyes, but you could still see the scars he left behind. Emotionally..."

Once Finn finished, Leo looked down at the table and mumbled something.

"What?" Finn asked.

Leo looked up and spoke more clearly "Do you think she'll talk or even listen to me?"

Finn smiled and stood up, patting Leo on the shoulder.

"She will. Just go easy, be gentle and it will all work out..."

Leo watched as Finn left the lunch room, leaving Leo to his thoughts again. Leo looked at the clock to see the time, knowing him and his brothers could go home soon. Leo looked down back at the table and starting thinking about Pennie. Thinking about her smile and laugh. He was going to see her smile and hear her laugh.

If was the last thing he got to do!


Sorry for the errors!!

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