Chapter 24

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(Her look! No glasses!)


"Pennie girl come on!" Finn whined.

Pennie came out of the janitors closet, looking down at herself.

"Are you sure this isn't much?"

"It's perfect! You look great Pennie!" Her boss said, coming in with the turtles.

"Daaaaang Pennie! You look fine!" Mikey said, but that only earned him a smack to the head from Raph and a glare from Leo's .

"Th-Thanks Mikey..." Pennie said, blushing under her makeup, that Finn did.

Pennie looked over at Leo, who already had their eyes on her. Leo gave a smile and Pennie gave him the same smile. The boss called everyone over, to get into the van. Pennie did and sat down, putting on her seat belt. Leo came by and sat next to her.

Pennie looked up at him and smiled "Promise you'll have my back?"

Leo smiled and nodded "I promise."

Pennie held out her hand, sticking out her pinky "Pinky promise?"

Leo couldn't help, but chuckle, and they interlocked pinkies.

"I pinky promise."

Pennie only smiled, leaning foreword to press a kiss on his bicep, then laying her head there. Leo only smiled and looked down at her, then looked over swing his brothers and even Finn giving him goofy faces. Basically being ass's, but you gotta love'em'.

After 30 minutes of silence the van can to a stop, Pennie stood up and so did Leo.

"Alright Pennie? You ready?" Her boss asked.

Pennie nodded, that same turning feeling in her stomach she always got before she went under cover.


Her boss nodded and order the others to help get Pennie hooked up, meaning her mic and headphones. Pennie closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then felt Leo's hand in her's, giving it a gentle squeeze. Pennie opened her eyes and smiled at him.

"Alright Pennie. You know the plan. Good luck and be safe. Remember all you have to do is call for help and we are on our way."

Her boss said, with reassuring smile. Pennie nodded and smiled back, then left the van, walking over to the building. She looked over and saw a crowd of people waiting outside a building, waiting to get in. She walked over to the building, hearing Donnie say in her ear piece,

"Just go in front of the line and show them your I.D, they let you right in."

Pennie nodded mentally, doing as Donnie said. Once she made her way into the building, she looked around seeing people talking and laughing.

"Alright Maddie Young is on your left, in cheetah print dress."

Pennie looked over seeing Maddie in her cheetah print dress, having a drink at the bar. Pennie walked over to her, but a gun was already held to her head.

"Hello Pennie..."

That voice. She knew that voice. The same voice in her dreams. She heard screaming already and people leaving the building, seeing a man with a gun was something they didn't want to stay for.

"Wh-Who are you?" Pennie asked scared and frightened.

"That is none of your concern Miss Jones."

A ladies voice said, making Pennie look ahead. There stood Maddie Young with a sinister smile on her face.

"You know who I am. Don't you?" Maddie asked.

"I h-have no idea what your-"

"Don't lie to me!" Pennie heard a gun go off and glass shatter, making her yelp.

Maddie held the small hand gun in her hand, pointing it a glass, which was now shattered to pieces.

"You do know who I am... So do not lie to me Penelope Jones..."

Pennie opened her eyes slowly, her eyes misted with tears.

"How do you know me?"

Maddie only laughed "Please... Do you know what magazine company I work for?"

Pennie didn't do anything, but only stare at her with disgust.

Maddie chuckled "I work for 'Jones Magazines' Surely you know who owns that company?"

Pennie was confused at first, but then her eyes widened. No it couldn't be...

"Yes Erica Jones... Your mother..."


Sorry for the errors! LOT of dialogue in this chapter!!

Question: Who would marry? Johnny Depp or Optimus Prime?

Stupid question I know 😂😂

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