Chapter 15

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(My good friend Krisense made my new book cover and I said I would give her a shout out!! Go follow her she is amazing!!! Again she is Krisense !!!!)


"Pennie I will find you..." The dark voice said.

Pennie was still in the same spot, surrounded by darkness.

"Who are you?!" Pennie asked over and over, but all she got were chuckles and laughs from the dark voice.

"Oh Pennie... You were always a jokester..." The voice said with a chuckle.

"I won't ask you again! Who are you?!" Pennie asked.



Pennie sat up in her bed quickly and let out an annoyed groan, hitting her alarm clock, making the loud beeping sound to stop. She runs her tired eyes, then wiped her forehead with back of her hand, feeling the sweat. Pennie looked up quickly to see if that dark figure was there in the corner of her room, and surely enough it was. It just stood there and this time Pennie, didn't dare look away.

She just stared at at it then spoke "Who are you?" She asked fear in her voice.

Pennie froze as she saw the figure slightly move, but then let out a yelp as the figure ran towards her. Pennie covered her eyes with her hands, expecting to get attacked or something, but nothing happened. She slowly took her hands away from her face, to take a peak and see if the figure was there at. When she didn't see sheet out a deep breath.

She turned to turn on her lamp, but she let out a scream when there stood by her bed, was the dark figure. Pennie jumped out of her bed onto the floor, backing away, panting heavily.

"Wh-Who are you?!" Pennie asked in fear.

The figure said nothing, but only turned on the lamp and that's when Pennie got a good look at it. It was tall and it's clothing was all black. You could clearly tell that this stranger was a guy, just by the way his body looked.

"Wh-Why are you here?!" Pennie asked another question, while her tears streamed down her face.

She watched as the figure did nothing, but stand there. Then he rose his hand again and shut of the lamp light, then backed away in the dark part of her room. Pennie then heard what sounded like her bedroom door, opening and shutting.

Pennie didn't move an inch and she waited, but then jumped when her phone rang. She looked over to her other night stand, which was closest to her. She didn't move her eyes from where the man left, but reached her hand out quickly to grab her phone.

She quickly looked at her phone to see Finn was calling her. She quickly answered and held the phone to her ear.

"Hey Pennie I was wondering if you wanted me to drive you to work, so-" Finn stopped talking when he heard Pennie sob.

"Pennie what wrong??" He asked frantically.

Pennie spoke quietly "F-Finn... I-I, th-there..." She choked on her words with a sob, and cried out, she gained her voice back "I-I woke up and th-there was a m-man in my room.... H-He, h-he was..." Pennie let out another sob.

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