Chapter 34

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(Warning! Warning! Alert! Alert! Lemon in this chapter! Repeat! Leo and Pennie are knocking boots again!.......... I'm sorry I had to.....)

Pennie got her cast off, finally, she hated that thing. Weeks have past by and Pennie has really been depressed. Leo was worrying now. He never left her side, staying over all day and all night. Pennie only laid in her bed or sat on her couch and watched movies. She barley ate, she barely talked to anyone, she barely did anything.

A few weeks ago she was pregnant. Then 20 minutes later, she wasn't. She lost her baby. A baby she hadn't even met, yet she was so attached to he/or she already.

It was evening already and in her bed, Pennie laid, looking up at the ceiling wondering what would happen if she didn't loose the baby. Then Leo walked in and sighed.

"Baby... Please talk to me." He said, sitting by her.

Pennie sighed "There is nothing to talk about..."

Leo frowned "Pennie... It wasn't your fault..."

Pennie sat up quickly and snapped "Yes it was! If I had just looked both ways on the street, I would have spotted that car and gotten out of the way!"

Pennie laid back down at her bed, tears forming in her eyes.

"Pennie look at me." Leo said gently, causing Pennie to look at him.

"That car was speeding so fast, even if you did react, you wouldn't have reacted in time."

Pennie sighed "But Leo... We were going to be parents... Our baby is... Dead."

Pennie hid her face in her hands, Leo reaching over to sit her up and pulled her against his chest. The Pennie mumbled.

"Would you have stayed?"

Leo looked at her confused "What?"

Pennie looked up at him "Would you have stayed if the child was still here? Would you have left me to raise the baby alone?"

Leo looked down at her like his heart was just ripped out. Leo placed his hands on her forearms and looked her dead in the eyes.

" I would have protected you and our child till I died. Pennie if the baby was still here, I would've been by your side the whole time. Pennie you are my life and if you are gone, then what would be my reason to live?"

Pennie shook her head "Don't say that!"

Leo smiled "But it's true. I love you Pennie and I always will..."

Pennie smiled "I love you too."

Pennie reached up and placed her lips on his, her hands on the side of his face. Leo kissed back, one of his hands behind her neck, the other on her hip. Pennie leaned back, Leo following her, not breaking the kiss. Pennie sighed.

"W-Wait... If we continue... I might get preg-"

Leo stopped her for a moment reaching over to her night stand. He pulled out protection, holding it in front of him. Leo smiled.

"While you took a nap at the hospital, Finn went out to go grab some snacks. When he came back he threw a box of condoms at my head, giving me the nastiest glare."

Pennie couldn't help, but laugh, her snorts causing Leo to smile more.

"I missed your laugh..."

Pennie smiled, watching as Leo bent down and pressed his lips to hers again. Leo took his lips away from her, but only to kiss down her jawline.

"Please... Make love to me..." Pennie said, heat rising on her face and chest.

Leo kissed by her ear and nibbled on her earlobe, whispering.

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