Chapter 29

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(I know I am doing a time skip, but I really want to get this book done. I am not even close to finishing. You guys can just pretend Pennie meeting Splinter. Thank you. Her look^^^)


It's been two weeks since Pennie has met Leo's father, Master Splinter. At first Pennie was nervous, but once she met Splinter, she couldn't help, but be calm. His calmness, just... Calmed her. Silly, I know, but he has that calm spirit that makes everyone else in the room calm.

Anyways today was a work day for Pennie, so once she arrived at work. She looked around to see people staring at her, like she was a ghost.

Pennie looked forward, seeing Finn walking up to her quickly. He grabbed her hand and dragged her to the lunch room, knowing for a fact that no one was in there.

"Finn! What going on? Why do they keep staring at me?" Pennie asked, as she was shoved into the lunch room.

"They know." Was all Finn said, making Pennie confused.

"Know what?"

"About you and Leo." Finn said quickly.

Pennie looked at him weirdly "Ok... So?"

Finn sighed "Pennie-"

Finn was cut off, by Leo and is brothers entering the lunch room.

"Bro they know about you and Pennie!" Mikey sad frantically, making Leo roll his eyes.

Finn nodded "And if they know, that means the boss knows."

Pennie shrugged "Ok and this is serious why?"

Finn groaned "Pennie! What do you think the boss is going to do?"

Pennie shrugged and looked over at Leo, them smiled at him. He gladly smiled back.

"See! What if the boss sees that!? Pennie what if... What if the boss doesn't agree with this relationship?"

Pennie looked at Finn irritated "Then she can kiss my ass as I walk out the door."

Everyone, but Pennie froze. Pennie rarely cussed and when she did, she was either pissed or in pain. Finn placed a hand on his chest.

"Who are you?! And what have you done to Pennie?!" He asked, pointing at Pennie.

Pennie rolled her eyes "Listen. I love Leo and I won't let the boss or anyone else get in the way. If they don't like it fine. Thats not our problem."

Pennie huffed with irritation and walked by the group, leaving the lunch room.

"What the hell just happened?" Mikey asked.

Finn shook his head "I don't know... But whoever this new Pennie is, holy shit I am so proud." Fin said with a smirk.

The brothers all chuckled, then everyone, but Finn and Raph left. Finn looked over at Raph and Raph looked back at Finn.

"How long do you think we have?" Raph asked.

Finn shrugged "Probably 7 minutes, maybe 10."

Raph smirked "Good enough for me."

Raph pulled Finn closer, pressing his lips against Finn's. Finn wrapped an arm around Ralph's neck, but used his other hand to shut the lunch rooms door. For... Private reasons.


Pennie walked down the hall with a huff, clearly upset at the fact that she was being judged for loving someone, that wasn't human. Leo was perfect. He could win any girls heart. Hell he could probably win a boys heart too. That's how amazing and charming he was.

Pennie sat at her cubicle desk, her arms crossed over her chest. She looked around seeing eyes on her.

"What?!" She said irritated even more.

Everyone looked away from her, going back to their work quickly. Pennie felt hands on her shoulders.

"Ok. Let's go spitfire. On the rooftop." She heard Leo say, helps by her out of her chair.

Pennie only huffed again, following Leo, now on the buildings rooftop.

"Leo! Why can't they just except that-"

Pennie was cut off when Leo pressed his lips against hers. Pennie froze for a sec, but then kissed back. Pennie wrapped her arms around Leo's neck, while he wrapped his arms around her waist. They were holding that kiss for good minute, till they pulled apart. Leo placed his forehead against hers.

"What you said back in the lunch room,"

Pennie nodded "Yea..."

Leo finished "Was fucking hot."

Pennie couldn't help, but blush and then laugh. Her snorting clearly heard and she tried to hide her face in his shoulder.

Leo chuckled "It was!"

Pennie shook her head "S-Stop! I am suppose to be mad right now."

Leo pouted "Now why would you want to be mad right now?"

"Because! Those shit-brained idiots can't realize we love each other. They just see a human and turtle together and think it's 'gross'!"

Pennie huffed, while Leo just stared down at her. Pennie rolled her eyes and smacked his arm.

"This is no time to be aroused by my tone and anger!" She said.

Leo only laughed, but then coughed to hide it "Ok. I'm serious. This is serious."

Pennie crossed her arms over her chest, giving Leo a glare. Leo sighed and smiled.

"Pennie. You said it yourself, it's not our problem. Who cares. We love each other, that's all that matters."

Lent down at her and smiled "Come one now grumpy pants. Give me that pretty smile."

Pennie tried looking away from him, a smile almost showing it's way on her face.

"I see the smile coming. Oh, oh I see it." Leo teased, pulling Pennie closer to him.

Pennie broke and smiled brightly, giggly at Leo's child's side. Pennie went on her tiny toes and pressed her lips against his.

"Why do you do this to me?"

Leo smirked "Shut up. You like it."


Sorry for my errors!

Question: How would guys feel if I wrote a book based on Finn and Raph? I might not do it tho, so don't get your hopes up. I just want to here your opinions.

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