Chapter 36

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(Same look^^)

Pennie stuttered "M-Mom... Wh-What are you doing here?"

Eric scoffed and held the gun tightly in her hands, pointing it at Pennie.

"It's your fault in in this mess! David's in prison! Police are following me! I lost the magazine company AND fashion company, all because of you!"


"Guys! We have an idea where Erica Jones is! A whiteness she just stated that she was seen walking into a building. An apartment building called 'Mini Place' on Perrie street."

Leo froze as she gave the information.

"Leo... What's wrong?"

Donnie asked.

"That's where Pennie lives..."


"That wasn't my fault!" Pennie barked back, turning towards her 'mother'.

"Yes it is! If you would have just never been born, I wouldn't even be here in this mess!" Eric shot back.

Pennie growled "I didn't make the choice to go out, get drunk and sleep with some guy! You did!"

Eric growled and fired the gun, luckily Pennie ducked in time. Pennie raced into the kitchen, grabbing a chair and throwing it at Erica, who was coming after her. Erica hissed in pain.

"You bitch!"

Erica rose her hand and shot her gun again, missing Pennie once more. Erica tried firing again, but she already out of bullets. She growled and threw the gun down, seeing it's useless. She went to her side and pulled out a hand knife, glaring at Pennie, who watched horrified.

"I should have gotten rid of you a long time ago!"

Eric said, running towards Pennie. Pennie screamed, throwing a flower vase, but missed Erica. But she did have time to run. Pennie ran passed Erica, but Erica tripped her. Pennie fell to her knees, but tried to get up quickly, till she felt Erica grab her ankle.

"Get back here!" Erica snarled.

Pennie was on her back, struggling to get away from Erica.

"You have caused me enough trouble!"

Erica said, easing her hand that held the knife. Erica went to quickly stab Pennie, but a shot was heard. Pennie looked at her mother shocked.

Erica gasped and looked at down at her chest, seeing blood. Then she fell. Pennie squealed and pushed Erica away from herself. Pennie looked over to see Chief Vincent, a gun in her hand.

Pennie sighed and cried in relief.


She heard Leo, hearing his foot-steps toward her.


"I'm here! It's ok..." Leo said, taking Pennie in his arms....


"Pennie, I can't give you any more days off. I need you at the office next Friday. Ok?"

Pennie's boss said, looking at her with a frown.

Pennie nodded, wrapping and holding the blanket she had around herself, tightly.

"Alright. Now take care, Pennie."

Pennie nodded and watched as her boss walked away, feeling Leo wrap an arm over her shoulder.

"Leo... Once this is over. Can you just hold me. Please?" Pennie muttered, laying her head on his shoulder.

Leo smiled "I will never let you go..."


This isn't the last chapter!!!


The next one is.... don't hate meeehhhhh!!!!

Question: Spongebob or Dora the Explorer?

Sorry for my errors!!!

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