Chapter 19

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(Her look^^^^)


Pennie opened her eyes slowly, looking around dim lighted room, and soon noticing it was her own room. Pennie sat up slowly, holding a hand to her aching head, squeezing her eyes shut for a few seconds before snapping them back open. Pennie then snapped out of her daze and now looked around her room frantically, remembering what happened.

Remember she was undercover and remember the blood that was on her dress... Pennie looked at her attire and saw she was in a different attire, her pajamas. Pennie looked confused and looked at her alarm clock, seeing it was 8:00 in the morning.

She looked around her room one more time, before looking at her door quickly, hearing a knock. The door opened slowly and Pennie let out a sigh of relief to see Finn.

"Hey Pen. How you feeling hun?" He asked quietly, walking over to her and sitting on the edge of her bed.

"My head hurt a little... What happened? And how did I get in these clothes?"

Finn sighed "Well, when you passed out the Chief called the paramedic's and they said you were alright, just passed out. They brought you home and one of female paramedic's changed you into comfy, clean, clothes."

Pennie nodded "How long was I out?"

"Well roughly about seven hours. Maybe eight, I haven't really kept track." Finn said with a chuckled in the end.

Pennie smiled, but then she frowned "What about Alex? The mission? What about the man?"

Finn smiled "Calm down, your questions will be answered in a little while. Right now you need to get ready, the chief said once your awake to come see her."

Pennie let out a sigh and nodded "Alright..."

Finn smiled and walked out of Pennie's room, closing the door behind him. Pennie got out of her bed, stretching out her arms, letting out tiny squeal from the feeling. She then let out a deep breath when she let her arms hang down and she walked over to her closet, pulling out her clothes and shoes for the day.

Once she was dine getting her attire on, she worked on her hair. Her hair was still curled nicely, so she just brushed out her with her fingers and left it at that. As for makeup, she only wore mascara and peach lip gloss, as well as some blush. Once she was done, she walked out of her room to see Finn on the couch, waiting. When Finn saw Pennie he smiled and stood up from the couch.

"Let's go!" Finn said.

Pennie nodded and they both made their way to the NYPD building, Finn driving of course. Once they arrived they quickly went to the Chief's office, Pennie knocking on the door.

"Come in." They heard, which they did.

"Hey Pennie. How are you feeling?" Mikey immediately asked, walking up slightly.

Pennie jumped from the sudden voice, but soon smiled "I am ok Mikey, thanks for caring."

Mikey nodded "Anything for Leo's future wife!"

Pennie eyes widened and she blushed madly, while Leo choked on his freakin' spit. Leo cough a little and went over, smacking Mikey over the head, harder this time. Mikey hissed and whine, rubbing his now sore noggin'.

"Ouch dude..." Mikey muttered, walking over to his other three brothers. Staying far away from Leo, who was glaring dagger at him.

"Anyways," The Chief cut in "Pennie... I actually have an offer for you. You don't have to take it, but it would be greatly appreciated if you did. I would like to offer you a promotion. To be in our crew," She gestured towards the turtles, "And be an undercover cop, full time."

"What?" She and Leo asked at the same time.

Pennie looked over at Leo confused, but shook her head and looked back at her boss "P-promotion?"

Her boss nodded with a smile "Yes a promotion. If you'd like, I can give you time to think about..."

Pennie nodded "That would be great."

Her boss nodded "Good, now you are free to go. You guys too, but Finn I would like to talk to you in private. Have good day guys."

Finn stayed in the office, while the others left. Pennie felt a hand on her shoulder and looked over to see Mikey "Congrats Pen!" He said with a smile.

Pennie only smiled "Th-thanks Mikey"

Mikey nodded "Now if you excuse me, I going to go order a pizza. Who's in?"

Raph and Donnie stepped "I'm in." They said at the same time and followed Mikey, but not before congratulating Pennie.

Pennie looked over to see Leo still standing there, but with a frown on his face. She look at him confused.

"L-Leo? What wrong?" She asks, walking up to him.

Leo only crossed his arms over his chest, looking down at Pennie with worry in his eyes.

"What are you thinking?" He asked out of the blue.

Pennie looked at him weirdly "What do you mean?" She asks.

"I mean... What are you thinking. Are you think about joining us? Or not?" He asked, being more specific.

Pennie sighed and looked down at the floor for a second, then looked back up at him "I-I don't really know..."

The Pennie heard Leo say something under his breath "Don't do it..."

Pennie looed at him confused "What?" She asked, not hearing him the first time.

Leo looked her dead in the eyes and spoke louder "I said. Don't do it."

"Wh-What?" Pennie asked, more confused, but a little hurt.

"Don't do it Pennie. Don't join." He said, no hesitation in his voice.

Now Pennie was getting irritated "Why?" She asked, with a little more force in her voice.

"You could get hurt Pennie..." He said, looking at her with a frown.

Pennie was starting to get angry "What's that suppose to mean?"

Leo was a little surprised at the tone of her voice and grew nervous "I-I just don't want to see you get hurt... What if something bad happens and we can't get to you in time?"

Pennie was now getting more angry "Now what's that suppose to mean? You think I can't take care of my self?"

Leo's eyes widened and he raised his hands slightly "N-No I just, just listen-"

Pennie cut him off "No you listen. I know I may be shy at time, but I know how fight when I need to. I don't need you or your brothers to be my babysitters!"

Leo looked at her shocked for a moment "That's not what I meant!" He said, his voice raising.

Pennie held her hands up "Just save it! I gotta go..."

Pennie turned around and walked away, tears welling up in her eyes as she did so. Leo stood there, wanting to call for her and hold her in his arms. He wanted to tell her what he actually meant, but he just couldn't find the words to speak.

Leo lips went down into a bigger frown and watched as she left, getting out of his sight...


Sorry for the errors!!

Ha! I bet you weren't expecting that!

Anyways! Question:

Do you like pizza? If so, what's your favorite pizza topping?

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