Chapter 32

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A week has passed by already and everything seems to be normal, well except for Pennie. Two nights after her and Leo took it a step further, she received a letter that said,

Dear Penelope,

I am always watching you.

From: Your Enemy

Simple and yet stupid at the same time, but Pennie was a little creeped out. Deciding it was silly, she didn't tell Leo about it. The day before today, Pennie got sick, she threw up in the morning a couple times and then a couple times at night. Her food was not staying down at all. Today though she has been sick every time she ate, but why? After her and Leo had sex, she's been getting sick, and-

Wait. Wait. After her and Leo had SEX. She has been getting SICK.

No! No! I am not pregnant! Pennie thought, as she quickly walked to a near-by drug store. We only had sex once! I can't be pregnant! She kept thinking, scowling herself.

As she mentally scowled herself, she didn't notice, a strange man/women in all black following her.

She rushed into the drug store, going straight to an isle that had pregnancy tests. She chose the best they had to offer, quickly paying for it, then went to their bathroom not wanting to wait to get home. She read the instructions and followed them, peeing on the end of the stick, like the instructions said. Now she had to wait five minutes. If she was pregnant it would show a smiley face, if she wasn't it would show a sad face.

And being honest, she hoped it was a sad face. Pennie was not ready to be a mother! At least that's what she thinks. Pennie you idiot! Why didn't you guys use protection or take birth control! Pennie thought, as she paced back and forth in bathroom. Then the timer she left on her phone, went off. She was a few steps away from the test, that was sitting on the sink. She stared at for a good minute, scared to look.

She took in a deep breath and walked towards the test, still not looking at the results. She picked up the test, taking another deep breath, then looked at the results.

It showed...

A smiley face.


Bet you didn't see that comin'!!!!

Sorry for my errors!! Next chapter will be way longer!!!!

Question: Got any guesses on the mysterious man/ or women following her?

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