Chapter 6

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(Her look!^^^^^ Again choose what pair of glasses she wears. Also comment down below if you like her style of clothing!)


On a Saturday Pennie didn't usually work, but Chief Vincent, her boss, called in. Pennie quickly got ready, having to time for a shower. All she did was do her makeup, put her hair up and get dressed. She packed all her paper work in her bag and grabbed her phone, heading out the door. She quickly walked to the subway, expecting it to be busy since it was a weekend.

Once she quickly got done with all the subway business, she went to her boss's favorite coffee shop and the usual layette. She didn't even grab herself a cup of coffee since she was already late. Quickly paying and grabbing the coffee, she left the little coffee place and made her way to the NYPD building.

Once she arrived, she quickly went towards the elevator, pressing the highest number. She was in the elevator alone, which was rare, but she did not complain. She let out a loud sigh, then slightly jumped when she heard the ding from the elevator. Once the door opened she quickly walked out, not even bothering to go to her desk.

She quickly wen to her boss's office and heard the usual 'Come in.' Which she did. She opened the door and surprisingly still saw those turtles. She walked up to her boss's desk and set down the coffee, but felt the eyes on her back from the turtles.

"Your late again."

Pennie let out a sigh "Well, your call was unexpected. I don't usually work on Saturday's..."

She grew nervous when Chief Vincent let out an annoyed sigh "You are my assistant, and you need to be ready if I ever need you for anything. Now are your papers done?"

Pennie nodded and pulled out the folders of paper work, but was hurt when the chief only threw them away. Pennie's head fell down slightly, her eyes closing for a minutes, then she held her head high again opening her eyes.

"I have something else for you to do."

Pennie nodded, expecting more paper work, but what she heard was far different.

"We have a case, a case on a drug dealer. Now the turtles are helping us with this case."

Pennie nodded and gave a glance towards the turtles, but looked back at her her boss.

"Now the drug dealer has already seen my face and many of officer's. Tomorrow he is going to a club, to sell to a customer, now that customer will be you."

Pennie froze and spoke in a stutter "Wh-What?"

Her boss sighed and stood up from her desk "I need you to go under cover for me and pretend to be a girl name 'Amanda Willis' And I need you to pull him in a trap."

Pennie began to shake her head a little "I-I um, I-I ca-"

"Will you stop with the stuttering. Now The detail will be explained on Monday. Your free to go home."

Pennie panicked, she was expecting to get scowled at then get more paper work, not go under cover.

"M-Ma'am I really-"

"Your the only face this drug dealer has not seen, your going. That is if you still want a job..."

Pennie immediately shut up and looked down at the floor, and heard her boss speak.

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