Chapter 26

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(Still her look! No glasses!)


"David..." Pennie muttered under breath.

"Ah now you remember... Took you long enough Pen..." David said with a chuckle.

"Don't call me that..." Pennie said, glaring at the floor.

"Oooo feisty now, aren't we? You know Maddie wasn't wrong. Your mom his here, watching us, watching me. Your mother did always like to watch me... We are actually together now... She is such a cougar..."

Pennie snarled "Your disgusting!"

David only laughed "Well... I am not the only disgusting person here Pennie..."

"David! You take that gun away from her!"

Pennie looked up, seeing her mother walk over, a glare on her face.

"Now listen my little kitten... You agreed to this. You give me my money, we live happy together, and she," David gestured to Pennie,"Dies."

Pennie glared at her 'mother', "You agreed to this!?"

Her mother Erica growled "Shut up Pennie! If I didn't end up pregnant with you this wouldn't happen right now!"

Pennie growled "Well I am not the one who slept around!"

Erica walked up to Pennie, smacking her across the face, pointing a finger at her.

"You do not speak to your mother like that!" Erica scowled.

Pennie held one her hands to her stinging heel, looking back at Erica with death glare.

"You are not my mother..."

Erica growled again "David... Just get it over with..."

Pennie's eyes widened, feeling the gun at her head again. David chuckled.

"Of course darling..."

Pennie waited for the gun to go off, but it never did. The only thing heard was a cry from David, who was now on the floor. Erica gasped, then she ran...

"Pennie are you ok! I am sorry we couldn't get to you in time! Our systems were down and, and-"

Leo said frantically, but Pennie only shook her head and wrapped her arms around Leo. Leo sighed and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

"It's alright... I'm here..."

Leo said into her ear, causing her to only calm down a little bit.


Pennie let go of Leo a little bit and looked over at her boss, who walked up with frown.

"I know you are in a delicate state right now, but we need you to tell us what happened..."

Pennie only nodded "O-Ok..."


"Then David was about to kill me, my mother watching... Then you guys came, my mom... She ran away..."

Pennie finished her story, tears still stinging her eyes. Leo wrapped an arm wound her shoulder, Pennie crying and hiding in his side.

"Thank you Pennie. Leo I am sure you will take her home?" Her boss said, looking at Leo.

Leo only nodded, watching as the chief walked away, then sat with Pennie for a few moments. As those moment passed, Pennie's cries turned to sniffles.

"Let's get you home Pennie..." Leo said under his breath.

Leo picked her up bridal style, walking out of the event building, taking Pennie home.


Leo walked through Pennie's bedroom window,  quietly since Pennie fell asleep, well he though she did. Leo went over to Pennies bed, laying her down, taking off her shoes.

Pennie grumbled "Leo take of my dress..."

Leo froze and gulped "Wh-what?" He asked.

Pennie groaned "Take off my dress..."

Leo gulped again "Pennie your just tired and-"

Pennie groaned again "Gosh dammit Leo, take off my dress. I have shorts and a sports bra under it."

Leo blushed in embarrassment. 'You idiot!!' He thought to himself.

His hands went behind Pennie, toying at the zipper of her dress, gliding it down. Pennie stood up, with Leo's help, letting the dress fall. Once the dress was of, Pennie kicked it to the side.

Leo watched as she laid back down, grabbing the covers to pull them over her, but she stopped him and grabbed his hand.

"Stay with me... please..." She said, holding his hand tight and tugging him over lightly.

Leo didn't argue, only and swiftly, take of some of his gear. Then he slid into bed with her, snuggling right next to her. Pennie scooted over to him more room, but once they got situated, she snuggled up against his chest.

"Goodnight Leo." She said dozing off.

Leo smiled "Goodnight Pennie, I love you..."

Before Pennie feel asleep she mumbled "I love you too..."


Sorry for the errors! And yes a lot of dialogue! Do you guys like the dialogue? Like a lot of it? Let me know! That's your question!

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