Chapter 5

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(Same day, just her lazy outfit!^^)


For Pennie going home early was probably the best part of her day, she got her paper work done early at work, including Finn's. Chief sent her home early, because a certain turtle may have or may not told her what happened to her last night. Though Pennie did not complain.

She quickly went home, changed into her comfy clothes, and stayed on her couch watching TV. As she was in the middle of a movie she heard a knock on her door and sighed, pausing the movie.


Pennie quickly got up and went towards her front door, opening it to see Finn.

"Finn?! I though you were sick!"

Finn only gave her a smirk "Have you ever heard of lying. And don't worry I will do have half of your paper work tomorrow."

Finn walked into Pennie's house, Pennie rolling her eyes while closings and locking her door.

"It's a good thing you are here, because I need to tell you something.

Finn gasped "You found a man!"

Pennie looked at him weirdly "What? No! Something happened last night."

Finn nodded and sat on the couch, patting the spot next to him "Ok spill!"

Pennie nodded and plopped down next to himI was walking home, and... I almost um... got raped."

Finn looked at her with wide eyes "What!?"

Pennie cut in quickly "I didn't though it's ok! Someone saved me..."

Finn had a look of relief on his face, but then saw that smile on Pennies face. That dreamy smile. Finn squealed.

"Well who was it??"

Pennie smiled even more "It was that blue masked turtle... "

Finn gasped "No way! Omg what happened next?"

Pennie laughed at her friends excitement "Well I didn't meet him the night I almost got raped, but I left him a thank you note. I guess he got it, because today during lunch he came up to me and said 'your welcome' then gave me back the note."

Finn squealed again "Oh my gosh! Pennie that's great!"

Pennie smiled "Yea it is..." Then her smile went down "That is until I made a fool of myself..."

Finn sighed "Oh hun what did you do?"

Pennie rolled her eyes "Well... Let's just say he kind of snuck up on me and I let out VERY loud yelp. I dropped the water bottle in my hands and I felt like dying..."

Finn looked at her with a blank face, Which made her groan "What?" She asked.

"Hun that is nothing to be embarrassed about. Trust me if he did that to me he would not be pretty anymore. He would be having missing teeth, because I would have punch the shit out of him. He just scared you and didn't mean it. No big deal."

Pennie groaned again "Yea... But the scared yelp I let out... It was so embarrassing..."

Finn sighed "Hun, I would have making new cuss words, while socking him in the mouth, if he did that to me. It's ok! You get embarrassed way to easily..."

Pennie rolled her "Ok. ok. Enough about me. Wanna watch the rest of this movie with me. I got popcorn."

Finn smiled at his best friend "You know me so well hun! Start this baby up!"

Finn went over and sat in the recliner chair, with the bowl of popcorn in his hands, while Pennie stayed on the couch.


I know! Short chapter!!! Sorry for that! And sorry for the errors!!

Tell me what you think of Finn!

I wanna see your thoughts!

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